On the Couch

Dr. Michelle Cohen


Doctor Michelle Cohen is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, television and radio expert and talk show host. Her experience as a doctor of psychology in her private practice office and in hospitals and clinics, as well as her work in television, radio and other media formats, has given her a professional, yet entertaining psychological perspective to share and with the media. Known as "the straight talk doc," she helps individuals, couples and families in her  office and provides news, entertainment, reality and other media formats with her expertise as a therapist to help people understand different personality and communication styles, relationship issues, family dynamics, personality and forensic profiling and how to help people overcome their deeper, unresolved issues. Dr. Michelle also puts a psychological spin on celebrities' issues and news events. She can be seen on "Entertainment Tonight," "Inside Edition," "The Robert Irvine Show" and "The Home & Family Show," to name a few. She has also hosted talk shows for ABC radio, and was a recurring radio personality for over 10 years on CBS radio, in Los Angeles. Dr. Michelle has also been a columnist for The Valley News Group's three newspapers as their psychological columnist, and hosted "Understanding Body Language," a viral video series, which is part of the L.A. County Government's professional training program.


Dr. Michelle has been on LA Talk Radio for ten years helping listeners with their issues by answering live calls and emails and interviewing other psychological experts, self-help authors, news makers and celebrities. She puts a psychological spin on current news and entertainment stories and encourages listeners to enjoy more fulfillment in their lives, working through their personal issues and having better relationships. Talkers Magazine named "On The Couch with Dr. Michelle," as one of the "Frontier Fifty Best Talk Shows" in the country. Dr. Michelle is a member of the American Psychological Association, the Los Angeles County Psychological Association and is a lifetime member of the National Honor Society in Psychology.


Show Time: 
Wednesday 11:00AM - 11:59AM
Show Description: 

Dr. Michelle is a “relationship expert” who advises listeners about their problems by delivering an honest, and caring approach.  She also puts a psychological spin on the latest news and entertainment stories and encourages people to discuss their feelings on these issues.
Dr. Michelle’s straightforward, thoughtful and comedic approach combined with expertise in psychology encourages people to better understand themselves and their relationships.

Listen to Dr. Michelle Tuesday at 12:00PM (PST)

Show Archives

December 2024

November 2024

October 2024

Psychotherapist, Leah Guy talks about her latest book, “Overcoming Toxic Emotions; A Practical Guide to Building Better Relationships with Yourself and Others.” She shares how to heal our past trauma, and let go of negative thoughts and emotions.

September 2024

Emmy award winning TV producer and director, Mary Maderias, shares some amazing spiritual experiences she has had, and how she started receiving clarity directly from the, “Divine Realm of the Akashic Records.” She shares how we can all find our souls' chosen destinies, and live better lives.
Scott Grace is talking about his insightful book, “Mindful Masculinity: A book for Men and the Women Who Love Them.” He helps men understand how to transform their inner critic, the compulsion to always fix things, release the hold of the ego and how to let go of anger, rage and other trauma.

August 2024

Feng Shui expert and spiritual teacher, Alejandra Brady, guides us to manifesting our best lives and talks about her book, “I Just Can’t Make This Sh!t Up: Overcoming Fear and Accepting My Spiritual Gifts.”
Kimberly McGeorge talks about her work in frequency healing, naturopathic energy healing and the science of energy fields.
Bill McKenna and Liz Larson, who are the creators of the transformative mind and body, “Cognomovement,” technique, talk about their groundbreaking work involved in rewiring our brains and nervous systems to a higher level, and also enhancing our spiritual insight.

July 2024

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

November 2023

September 2023

August 2023

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022

November 2022

October 2022

August 2022

July 2022

June 2022

May 2022

April 2022

March 2022


Are you, or have you been in a toxic relationship? Learn how to stop the cycle of relationship addiction, codependency with toxic partners and how to find healthy loving relationships, as Dr. Michelle interviews LCSW, Psychotherapist and media expert, Sherry Gaba, author of, "Love Smacked; How To Stop The Cycle of Relationship Addiction, Codependency and Toxic Partnerships." Find out more about Sherry and get her books on her website at: https://sherrygaba.com/. Also, check out her Wake-Up Recovery online program at https://wakeuprecovery.com/ig1

February 2022


Dr. Michelle talks about how to find your better self, improve relationships and become healthier in your mind-body work. My guest, Connie Huebner, talks about her book, "Divine Mother Healing," and shares a system that allows for anyone seeking healing, or elevating their spiritual self, to practice easy tools to help you find answers and improve their lives. Find more about her and how to get her book at https://divinemotheronline.net

January 2022


Dr. Michelle interviews renown psychiatrist, Dr. Margaret Chisolm, as she helps listeners to learn how to lead the best lives possible, and talks about her book, From Survive to Thrive. She provides insights into how we can cultivate healthy habits and have more positive reactions to life’s problems, and choose not to allow past life circumstances or a disease state to define our well-being.  Dr. Chisolm talks about the benefit of the Perspectives approach by sharing examples of case studies from her 30 years as a clinician. Find out more about Dr. Chisolm and her book at https://margaretchisolmmd.com

December 2021

November 2021

October 2021

September 2021

August 2021

July 2021

June 2021


From the best of "On The Couch": Find out how to "Win From Within," as Dr. Michelle's guest author, 31 year-old Rob Adams, talks about his journey of healing from cancer, and his insights about life. His book has inspired people to, not only overcome any type of challenge in life, but how to become a champion in all aspects of our lives, including creating abundance, joy and love. Pick up Rob Adam's book, and become inspired and learn how to "Win From Within: Discovering the Champion Inside," on Amazon.com

May 2021


From the best of "On The Couch": Dr. Michelle talks about how to replace fear and negative thinking in order to receive unlimited possibilities and bring more joy into our lives. You'll also hear how to live without secrets and hiding, and learn how true humility and transparency can give you more clarity and move through problems. Dr. Michelle interviews internationally known visionary and author, Penney Peirce, as she talks about her latest book, "Transparency: Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity." Find out more about Penny and get her award winning inspirational books at: penneypeirce.com

April 2021


From the best of "On The Couch": Dr. Michelle talks about how to become healthier, happier and more productive, by shifting our thoughts and behaviors that block us from leading fulfilling, balanced lives, as she interviews, behavioral scientist and consultant for OWN's "Iyanla Fix My Life," Dr. Dinorah Nieves. "Dr. D." talks about her latest book, "LOVE YOU; 12 Ways to Be Who You Love + Love Who You Are." Find out the practical steps that you can start today to begin believing in yourself. Pick up her book at dinorahnieves.com

March 2021


From the best of "On The Couch": Whether you need to improve your relationship with a friend, lover, spouse or family member, Dr. Michelle and her guest, Patricia Albere, talk about Patricia's latest book, "Evolutionary Relationships; Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening." In this enlightening interview, you can find out how to become more available to yourself and to those who really matter in your life, as well as to the world in general. Patricia talks about how she has worked with over 200,000 people to help guide them to clarity and consciousness in order to find mutual awaking, more intimacy, truth and depth in their relationships. Find out more about Patricia Albere, and get her book at: evolutionarycollective.com or at patriciaalbere.com


Find out how 8 creative artists have managed to make a living with their talent in music, dance, acting, teaching, writing, etc., as Dr. Michelle interviews Maureen Rattner, Author of, "Applause; Eight Stories of Eight Artists' Lives And How They Make A Living Being Creative." Hear how some of her creative friends helped her along the way and became successful in their creative passion. Get her book on Amazon.com or contact her at Maureenrattner@gmail.com


From the best of "On The Couch": Dr. Michelle talks about freeing ourselves from the negative mindset that overwhelms us, and how to resolve relationship issues, sustain joy, replace burnout with passion and overcome addictions, with her guest, JF Benoist. He is a  visionary thought leader and author of, "Addicted To The Money Mind, Change The Programming That Sabotages Your Life." Find out more about JF and get his book at:  jfbenoist.com

February 2021


From the best of "On The Couch": Find out how to "Win From Within," as Dr. Michelle's guest author, 31 year-old Rob Adams, talks about his journey of healing from cancer, and his insights about life. His book has inspired people to, not only overcome any type of challenge in life, but how to become a champion in all aspects of our lives, including creating abundance, joy and love. Pick up Rob Adam's book, and become inspired and learn how to "Win From Within: Discovering the Champion Inside," on Amazon.com

January 2021


From the best of "On The Couch": Why aren't most us not fulfilled with our lives? How can we change our automatic negative thoughts and live the life of our dreams? What actions can we take to be happier and more productive? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Mike Murphy, author of, "The Creation Frequency; Tune In to the Power of the Universe to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams." Find out more about Mike Murphy and get his book at: Thecreationfrequency.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Is there life after death? Dr. Michelle talks to well known dream expert and author, Dr. Gillian Holloway, about her extensive research that gives a good deal of proof to the belief that those who have passed on do contact us in our dreams. Dr. Holloway also analyzes the meaning of different dreams. Contact Dr. Holloway at :lifetreks.com


From the best of "On The Couch": Find out how to manage your anxiety, fears and that negative inner voice; especially with the current Coronavirus Pandemic issues, as Dr. Michelle interviews LCSW, Psychotherapist, Addictions Specialist and Life Coach, Michelle Webber. Learn about the importance of self-compassion and how to acquire better coping skills in this difficult time. Find out more about Michelle at michellewebber.com


From the best of "On The Couch": Dr. Michelle interviews Ande Anderson, Co-Owner of AVAIYA and producer of the new film, "iTHINK ," which features powerful, life-changing messages from some of the world's most influential leaders, such as Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, Mike Dooley, Sonia Barrett, Andy Dooley Mary Morrissey and many more! Hear how you can change your life to have better relationships, become healthier, enjoy more successes and feel happier in general.  Find out where to see the movie, iTHINK and receive more life-changing downloads, CD's and films for the iTHINK course at:  avaiya.com

December 2020


From the best of "On The Couch": Dr. Michelle interviews Robert Williams, who is an expert in the study of subtle energy engineering and its effect of physical systems and in changing our human potential. Find out how to have a more joy-filled and peaceful life, as Robert talks about his latest book: "Love Is The Power; Moving Humanity From Fear To Love."  Find out more about how to improve the quality of your life at: loveisthepower.com


Guest: Phyllis Chesler; Author of "Requiam for a Female Serial Killer"


From the best of "On The Couch": Dr. Michelle interviews internationally renowned leader in digital transformation, Skip Prichard, about his best-selling book, “The Book Of Mistakes; 9 Secrets To Creating A Successful Future." In this interview, Skip  takes listeners on an inspiring journey to help them learn the nine mistakes that prevent us all from achieving our goals. He talks about how to overcome life's hurdles, how to reinvent ourselves and achieve more than we ever dreamed possible. Find out more about Skip Prichard, and get his book at  skipprichard.com

November 2020


From the best of "On The Couch": Find out how to manage your anxiety, fears and that negative inner voice; especially with the current Coronavirus Pandemic issues, as Dr. Michelle interviews LCSW, Psychotherapist, Addictions Specialist and Life Coach, Michelle Webber. Learn about the importance of self-compassion and how to acquire better coping skills in this difficult time. Find out more about Michelle at michellewebber.com


From the best of "On The Couch": Find out what happens between people when they fall in love, how to sustain those feelings, as well as create a healthy balance in our relationships. Mel talks about how to shift our energy when we are having problems in our relationships, as Dr. Michelle interviews Psychotherapist, Mel Schwartz, about his book, “The Possibility Principle; How Quantum Physics Can Improve The Way You Think, Live And Love.” Find out more about Mel Schwartz and pick up his book at melschwartz.com

October 2020


From the best of "On The Couch": Dr. Michelle talks about learning how to become the greatest expression of yourself and how to channel anger and fear into courage and willingness, with her guest, Crystal Andrus Morissette. Crystal talks about her book, "The Emotional Edge," and helps us learn how to heal from our negative feelings of shame, guilt and blame. Find out more about Crystal at crystalandrusmorisette.com


Guest: Spiritual coach Gillian Harris


Guest: Dr. Allen Lycka


Guest: Mabel Katz

September 2020


From the best of "On The Couch" : What are the common reasons why most relationships break up? Is there a difference between the way men and women think, feel and communicate? How can we learn to work through our relationships? How can we heal our broken hearts once the relationships are gone? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Sandra Marchetti, hypnotherapist and author of, "Men Are From Earth, Women Are From Earth; Deal With It." Pick up her book at: amazon.com/From-Earth-Women-Earth-Deal-With


Guest: Judi Miller, author of "Perfect: A Path to Love, Forgiveness and Transformation".



From the best of "On The Couch": Dr. Michelle talks about how to become healthier, happier and more productive, by shifting our thoughts and behaviors that block us from leading fulfilling, balanced lives, as she interviews, behavioral scientist and consultant for OWN's "Iyanla Fix My Life," Dr. Dinorah Nieves. "Dr. D." talks about her latest book, "LOVE YOU; 12 Ways to Be Who You Love + Love Who You Are."  Find out the practical steps that you can start today to begin believing in yourself. Pick up her book at dinorahnieves.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Is there life after death? Dr. Michelle talks to well known dream expert and author, Dr. Gillian Holloway, about her extensive research that gives a good deal of proof to the belief that those who have passed on do contact us in our dreams. Dr. Holloway also analyzes the meaning of different dreams. Contact Dr. Holloway at :lifetreks.com

August 2020

July 2020

May 2020


Dr. Michelle's special guest is the world-renown and gifted Medical Medium, Trance Channeler, Hands-on Healer and Spiritual Teacher, Kimberly Meredith. Hear about how Kimberly "scans" people as she communicates with divine spirit, as well as how she heals others. Kimberly also talks about her latest eBook, "CORONAVIRUS Top 21 Tips for Protection," and how to get her book for free. Hear how Kimberly is moving humanity forward towards a higher loving consciousness in this fascinating interview. Learn more about Kimberly Meredith at thehealingtrilogy.com


Find out how to manage your anxiety, fears and that negative inner voice; especially with the current Coronavirus Pandemic issues, as Dr. Michelle interviews LCSW, Psychotherapist, Addictions Specialist and Life Coach, Michelle Webber. Learn about the importance of self-compassion and how to acquire better coping skills in this difficult time. Find out more about Michelle at michellewebber.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Is there life after death? Dr. Michelle talks to well known dream expert and author, Dr. Gillian Holloway, about her extensive research that gives a good deal of proof to the belief that those who have passed on do contact us in our dreams. Dr. Holloway also analyzes the meaning of different dreams. Contact Dr. Holloway at :lifetreks.com

February 2020


Dr. Michelle interviews Entertainment Reporter, anchor, writer, author and eight- time Grammy Award winner, John Corcoran, about the craziness, as well as the positive and creative work taking place in the entertainment world. John and the Dr. give their opinions on the "Me Too" movement, Harvey Weinstein's issues, as well as the outcomes of the Oscars. John talks about his encounters, as a reporter and film critic, with all of the Oscar winners, and discusses his opinions and stories about some of the most interesting celebrities he has spent time with. Mr. Corcoran also talks about the upcoming films for Spring and Summer, that look intriguing! Check out John Corcoran's latest book "Doing Julia" (as in Julia Roberts) on Amazon.com.


Dr. Michelle interviews, Christopher Kerr, MD, who is the chief medical officer Hospice Buffalo, NY. In this fascinating chat, Dr. Kerr talks about his book, "Life Is But A Dream; Finding Hope and Meaning at Life's End." Having studied over 1,400 patients, Dr. Kerr reveals that pre-death dreams and visions are common extraordinary occurrences that humanize the dying process. He shares fascinating stories of his patients' transcendence, communication with those who have passed on and the enlightenment that has occurred in many pre-death experiences. Find out more about Christopher Kerr, MD at drchristopherkerr.com


Dr. Michelle answers listeners' questions from her LA Talk Radio email, straighttalkdoc@gmail.com. The Doc helps people with how to manage their stress and feel better now, how to forgive those who have hurt us and let go of the anger, how to own our mistakes and honestly apologize for something we have done that hurt another person, as well as how to stop beating ourselves up and have more self-compassion. Find out more about Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com

January 2020


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle talks about how to become healthier, happier and more productive, by shifting our thoughts and behaviors that block us from leading fulfilling, balanced lives, as she interviews, behavioral scientist and consultant for OWN's "Iyanla Fix My Life," Dr. Dinorah Nieves. "Dr. D." talks about her latest book, "LOVE YOU; 12 Ways to Be Who You Love + Love Who You Are."  Find out the practical steps that you can start today to begin believing in yourself. Pick up her book at dinorahnieves.com


Dr. Michelle interviews Robert L. Dilenschneider about his inspiring book, "Practical Advice from 23 Men and Women Who Shaped the World." Robert talks about how The decisions we ultimately make can affect our lives and the lives of others, and shares the choices of notable, visionary decision-makers from Harry Truman and Henry Ford to Marie Curie and Malala Yousafzai, and explains how you can apply their principles to your own personal and professional real-life scenarios to create fulfillment and success. Find out more about Robert L. Dilenschneider and get his book at dilenschneider.com


From the best of "On The Couch" :Dr. Michelle interviews internationally renowned grief educator and author, Christina Rasmussen, about her latest book, "Where Did You Go; A Life-Changing Journey to Connect With Those We've Lost." Christina shares an inspiring message of hope, optimism and love for those who are grieving, and also gives listeners a guide to journeying to the other side (to the hereafter) utilizing scientific principles of the mind. Find out more about Christina, and get her books at: christinarasmussen.com


Dr. Michelle answers listeners' questions about how to make long term relationships last, how to deal with difficult family members, the most common mistakes that men and women make that can create relationship problems and how to forgive ourselves for mistakes we have made in the past. Check out Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


From the best of "On The Couch" :Dr. Michelle interviews internationally renowned leader in digital transformation, Skip Prichard, about his best-selling book, “The Book Of Mistakes; 9 Secrets To Creating A Successful Future." In this interview, Skip  takes listeners on an inspiring journey to help them learn the nine mistakes that prevent us all from achieving our goals. He talks about how to overcome life's hurdles, how to reinvent ourselves and achieve more than we ever dreamed possible. Find out more about Skip Prichard, and get his book at  skipprichard.com

December 2019


From the best of "On The Couch" : Does your partner seem cold, manipulative, critical, jealous or quick to anger? If so, you might be in a relationship with a narcissist. Find out how to spot the red flags in identifying people who have this personality disorder, how to survive in a relationship with a narcissist and more, as Dr. Michelle interviews Dr. Ramani Durvasula, Professor, TV/Radio expert and author of, "Should I Stay Or Should I Go; Surviving A Relationship With A Narcissist." Find out more about Dr. Durvasula and get her book at: doctor-ramani.com


From the best of "On The Couch" :Dr. Michelle discusses numerous aspects of the mystery of the afterlife, and helps listeners with their questions on this subject, as she interviews Dr. Sharon Prentice about her latest book, "Becoming Starlight; A Shared Death Journey from Darkness to Light." Psychologist, Dr. Prentice, discusses her shared death experience with her husband when he passed, and gives us hope of an afterlife, by describing her profound journey. Find out more about Dr. Sharon Prentice and get her book at sharonprentice.com.


Get ready to find out how to be your own “Life Cheerleader," and create new happier, more successful and healthier stories for yourself, as Dr. Michelle interviews celebrity coach, motivational speaker, film producer/director and major influencer, James Sweigert. He talks about his latest. book, "If You Say So," and helps you learn about how to re-conceptualize your life, to make positive changes and become the happy, fulfilled and successful person you were meant to be. Check out James and get his book at jamessweigert.com


Get the best dating and relationship advice, as Dr. Michelle interviews Dr. Nancy Lee, as she talks about her book, "Don't Sleep With Him Yet: A Badass Guide to Dating in 10 Empowering Steps." Find out what qualities many men are looking for in a serious partner. Nancy also describes what personality traits women should look for, as well as, what characteristics to avoid in men who don't make good long-term partners. Get her book and find out more about Dr. Nancy Lee on Amazon.com

November 2019


From the best of "On The Couch" : Learn how to turn a bad day into a good one, and how to feel more confident and calm, as Dr. Michelle interviews Barb Schmid, author of "THE PRACTICE: Simple Tools for Managing Stress, Finding Inner Peach and Uncovering Happiness." Get Barb's book and find out more about how to make your life more fulfilling at: barbschmidt.com


Dr. Michelle talks about learning how to become the greatest expression of yourself and how to channel anger and fear into courage and willingness, with her guest, Crystal Andrus Morissette. Crystal talks about her book, "The Emotional Edge," and helps us learn how to heal from our negative feelings of shame, guilt and blame. Find out more about Crystal at crystalandrusmorisette.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Hear how to unlock the greatness within you, as Dr. Michelle interviews internationally acclaimed speaker, performance management media expert and author, Charlie Harary, as he talks about his book, “Unlocking Your Inner Greatness; The Unexpected Journey From The Life You Have To The Life you Want." Charlie talks about how to change our thinking and lifestyles in order to unlock our greatness, and how to stop those feelings of failure and recover from negative early childhood experiences, lost businesses, relationships, health issues and other difficult experiences. Find out more about Charlie Harary and get his book at: unlockinggreatnessbook.com


Dr. Michelle interviews Psychologist, Sharon Prentice, PhD, about her fascinating "life after death" experience she shared with her husband. Hear how Dr. Prentice found faith and peacefulness about the reality of an afterlife, and the fascinating journey she took with her husband, when he passed away. Sharon talks about her book,  “Becoming Starlight; A Shared Death Journey from Darkness to Light. ” Pick up her book and find out more about Sharon at sharonprentice.com

October 2019


From the best of "On The Couch" : What are the common reasons why most relationships break up? Is there a difference between the way men and women think, feel and communicate? How can we learn to work through our relationships? How can we heal our broken hearts once the relationships are gone? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Sandra Marchetti, hypnotherapist and author of, "Men Are From Earth, Women Are From Earth; Deal With It." Pick up her book at: amazon.com/From-Earth-Women-Earth-Deal-With


From the best of "On The Couch" : Find out how to cope with growing up in a dysfunctional family, or with parents and family members who have a mental disorder and how to grow to have future healthy relationships and become successful in your life, as Dr. Michelle interviews Psychiatrist and best selling Author, Dr. Edward Hallowell about his latest book, "Because I Come From a Crazy Family; The Making of a Psychiatrist." Find out more about Dr. Hallowell at drhallowell.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Be a fly on the wall of a psychiatrist's office and in the courtroom and hear some outrageous stories such as, what drove a psychiatrist to enlist a patient in a plot to murder six people. Also hear what survivors of the 9/11 attack had to say to the psychiatrist who interviewed 300 of them, and more fascinating stories, as Dr. Michelle interviews one of her most popular guests, Psychiatrist, Physician and Novelist, Mark Rubinstein, MD, about his latest book, “Beyond Bedlam's Door: True Tales from the Couch & Courtroom." Find out more about Dr. Rubinstein and get his fascinating books at: markrubinstein-author.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr Michelle talks about, "The Naked Truth About Men and Romance," with Psychologist and author, Kathryn Foster. Learn about how men's and women's brains and thought processes differ, and how we, as women, can understand men better. Find out the most common mistakes that men and women make in their relationships, and tools we can use to make them better. Find out more about Dr. Foster, and get her books at: kathrynfosterphd.com

September 2019


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle talks about why people, such as Michael Jackson, develop body dysmorphic disorder and are never happy with their faces or bodies, even after numerous plastic surgeries, in her interview with Dr. Mark B. Constantian; a vastly experienced, well-renowned plastic surgeon and Clinical Professor. In this interview, Dr. Constantian talks about his book, "Childhood Abuse, Body Shame, and Addictive Plastic Surgery," which explores how growing up with abuse and neglect influences our body image, personalities, addictions, resilience, and adult health in general. This heavily referenced book offers a new explanation for "body dysmorphic disorder," that provides help for individuals, families, therapists, surgeons as well as hope for patients. Find out more about Dr. Constantian and get his book at: drconstantian.com


Dr. Michelle interviews author, Gina Lee Rivera, about her inspirational self-help book, "A Mirror And A Prayer." Hear the fascinating story of why Gina was the recipient of Entrepreneur Magazine's top ranking, largest and fastest growing franchise in the country, and what made her so successful. As the Founder and CEO of "Phenix Salon Suites, Gina offers advice and self-help guidance on how to focus on our passions and find fierce determination to become successful in whatever we want to pursue. Get Gina Rivera's book, and find out more about her, at phenixsalonsuites.com and www.bygina.com.


From the best of "On The Couch" : Is there life after death? What is a NDE, or "near death experience?" What is the scientific evidence behind the reality of an afterlife? Find out the answer to these and more fascinating questions as Dr. Michelle interviews Mary Jo Rapini, psychotherapist and author of, "Is God Pink? Dying to Heal." Mary Jo describes her "near death experience" of being in the presence of God and how this experience gave her the overwhelming feelings of love that changed her life. Mary Jo has done research on "NDE's" and comes from a scientific background. She also helps empower women and the men they love with her relationship expertise. Find out more about Mary Jo and get her book, "Is God Pink" on her web site at: maryjorapini.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle talks about how to become healthier, happier and more productive, by shifting our thoughts and behaviors that block us from leading fulfilling, balanced lives, as she interviews, behavioral scientist and consultant for OWN's "Iyanla Fix My Life," Dr. Dinorah Nieves. "Dr. D." talks about her latest book, "LOVE YOU; 12 Ways to Be Who You Love + Love Who You Are."  Find out the practical steps that you can start today to begin believing in yourself. Pick up her book at dinorahnieves.com

August 2019


Dr. Michelle interviews Keith Leon S. about his book, "Walking With My Angels; A True Story." Keith describes the miracles that unfolded before him while growing up in a traumatic, dangerous and difficult environment. Keith shares his journey of how his "guardian angels" have helped him survive and expand his consciousness in order for him to help others. Leon describes how we can all connect with our "Angels," or our higher power that we all have within, in order to develop our intuition and create the lives we want. Find out more about Keith Leon S., and get his book at walkingwithmyangelsbook.com


Dr. Michelle explores the crazy world of celebrities, as she interviews 7-time Emmy Winner, Anchor, Reporter, Film Critic and Author, John Corcoran, about his book, "Doing Julia." John talks about his behind the scene experiences with celebrities who are difficult to work with, or those who are kind and genuine to work with. He talks about the celebrity "psyche," and why so many people in the spotlight are self-destructive or super successful. Pick up John's book, "Doing Julia," on www.Amazon.com


Dr. Michelle interviews activist, inspirational coach and author, Donna Martini about her latest book, ”My Mini Book of Mighty Mantras." Donna shares how to stay physically, mentally, and emotionally in tune with our spiritual selves. She also talks about how, through Positive Manipulation®, we learn how to stay mindful of our own power, purpose, and potential to eradicate old mindsets, unhealthy emotions, and unproductive thoughts and habits. Find out more about Donna at donnamartini.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle interviews spiritual visionary and thought leader, Derek Rydall, author of, "The Abundance Project; 40 Days To More Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness." Derek reveals where our "real" source of abundance is, which "five blind spots" keep us from abundance and he also shares the seven gifts (abundance activators), which can help create the life of your dreams. Find out more about Derek Rydell and get his inspirational book at: theabundanceprojectbook.com or at derekrydall.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about how to heal from past early traumas from negative families, unhealthy work places and poor relationships. She also explains "the power of positive thinking," and touches on "The Law of Attraction." Also, Host Davey, from LA Talk Radio's, "Dave's Good Vibration Station," comes on the show to talk about how to practice breaking through our negative ego states and become happier. Find out more about Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com

July 2019


From the best of "On The Couch" : Why aren't most us not fulfilled with our lives? How can we change our automatic negative thoughts and live the life of our dreams? What actions can we take to be happier and more productive? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Mike Murphy, author of, "The Creation Frequency; Tune In to the Power of the Universe to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams." Find out more about Mike Murphy and get his book at: Thecreationfrequency.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about working through fears of finding the right partner, because they don't trust their judgement from being with unhealthy men, who hurt them in the past. The Doc also answers questions about how to become "ready" for a good relationship, how "self-talk" can help us be happier and how to cope with living with a family member who has a mental disorder. Find out more about Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


From the best of "On The Couch": Find out how to have more of what you want out of life, whether it is success, happiness, creativity or better relationships, as Dr. Michelle interviews, "The American Monk," Burt Goldman. Find out about his "Quantum Jumping," programs and techniques that guide you through meditations and visualizations to help you get in touch with your "higher self" and change your life. Learn more about Burt and his "Quantum Jumping" mind techniques at: quantumjumping.com

June 2019


Learn how to open your mind in order to create positive mental and physical health, how to change your negative thoughts, enjoy the happiness you deserve, and learn the principles of “Mindfulness” and how they can change your life, as Dr. Michelle interviews international speaker, trained life coach and author, Keith Macpherson, as he talks about his latest book, "Making Sense of Mindfulness; Five Principles to Integrate Mindfulness Practice into Your Daily Life." Find out more about Keith and get his book at keithmacpherson.ca


Dr. Michelle answers listeners questions about the scientific reasoning behind “The Law of Attraction,” and how to create the lives we want.  She also shares tools on how we can become more peaceful and keep other people’s negative drama from affecting us. The Doc also helps listeners learn the most effective ways to make positive changes in all aspects of our lives. Check out Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


Have we been before in past lives? Dr. Michelle reveals that there may be more science based on quantum theories, rather than just "metaphysical " jargon about the possibility of reincarnation. Find out why we come back, and how to identify our reincarnated loved ones, in her interview with Reiki master, ordained minister, spiritual teacher and author, Gillian Harris, as she talks about her latest book, "Have We Met? - How To Identify Your Reincarnated Loved Ones!" Find out more about the author, and how to get her book at Gillianharrisworldwide.com

May 2019


From the best of "On The Couch": Find out what happens between people when they fall in love, how to sustain those feelings, as well as create a healthy balance in our relationships. Mel talks about how to shift our energy when we are having problems in our relationships, as Dr. Michelle interviews Psychotherapist, Mel Schwartz, about his book, “The Possibility Principle; How Quantum Physics Can Improve The Way You Think, Live And Love.” Find out more about Mel Schwartz and pick up his book at melschwartz.com


Dr. Michelle interviews Relationship Expert, Leonard Felder, Ph.D. about his book, "The Dilemma of the 21st Century Male; Choosing Each Day Between Retro and Forward." Hear how men can enjoy genuine intimacy and improve their lives, understand the most effective words and strategies during important conversations and how to overcome the moods and edginess that all men experience in this fascinating interview. Find out more about Dr. Leonard Felder and get his book at themaledilemma.com


Dr. Michelle interviews internationally renowned leader in digital transformation, Skip Prichard, about his best-selling book, “The Book Of Mistakes; 9 Secrets To Creating A Successful Future." In this interview, Skip  takes listeners on an inspiring journey to help them learn the nine mistakes that prevent us all from achieving our goals. He talks about how to overcome life's hurdles, how to reinvent ourselves and achieve more than we ever dreamed possible. Find out more about Skip Prichard, and get his book at  skipprichard.com

April 2019


Dr. Michelle's guest, Dr. Sherrie Campbell, reveals insights about how to cope with growing up and dealing with destructive parents and upbringings. Dr. Campbell, talks about her latest book,  "But It's Your Family...Cutting Ties with Toxic Family Members and Loving Yourself in the Aftermath."

Find out more about Dr. Sherrie, and get her amazing helpful and healing book at: drsherriecampbell.com


Dr. Michelle talks about why people, such as Michael Jackson, develop body dysmorphic disorder and are never happy with their faces or bodies, even after numerous plastic surgeries, in her interview with Dr. Mark B. Constantian; a vastly experienced, well-renowned plastic surgeon and Clinical Professor. In this interview, Dr. Constantian talks about his book, "Childhood Abuse, Body Shame, and Addictive Plastic Surgery," which explores how growing up with abuse and neglect influences our body image, personalities, addictions, resilience, and adult health in general. This heavily referenced book offers a new explanation for "body dysmorphic disorder," that provides help for individuals, families, therapists, surgeons as well as hope for patients. Find out more about Dr. Constantian and get his book at: drconstantian.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Why aren't most us not fulfilled with our lives? How can we change our automatic negative thoughts and live the life of our dreams? What actions can we take to be happier and more productive? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Mike Murphy, author of, "The Creation Frequency; Tune In to the Power of the Universe to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams." Find out more about Mike Murphy and get his book at: Thecreationfrequency.com

March 2019


Dr. Michelle helps listener's with their questions about why women seem to pick emotionally unavailable men to get into relationships with, how to build more self-esteem, alternative ways to meet potential partners than using dating sites, what are healthier ways to talk to our partners when having an argument, and more. Check out Dr. Michelle at:  talkshowtherapist.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Is it possible to heal ourselves with our thoughts alone without drugs or surgery? Find out, as Dr. Michelle interviews Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of "You Are the Placebo; Making Your Mind Matter." In this fascinating interview, Dr. Dispenza talks about how we can actually change the "hard wiring" in our brains and alter our DNA by utilizing "mental rehearsal," and other powerful thought and feeling techniques. Hear about how you can change your brain to be healthier and happier, and how countless others have done it.
Find out more about Dr. Joe Dispenza and order his book at: youaretheplacebo.com His book is also available at Amazon.com.


From the best of "On The Couch" : Why aren't most us not fulfilled with our lives? How can we change our automatic negative thoughts and live the life of our dreams? What actions can we take to be happier and more productive? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Mike Murphy, author of, "The Creation Frequency; Tune In to the Power of the Universe to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams." Find out more about Mike Murphy and get his book at: Thecreationfrequency.com


Dr. Michelle talks about freeing ourselves from the negative mindset that overwhelms us, and how to resolve relationship issues, sustain joy, replace burnout with passion and overcome addictions, with her guest, JF Benoist. He is a  visionary thought leader and author of, "Addicted To The Money Mind, Change The Programming That Sabotages Your Life." Find out more about JF and get his book at:  jfbenoist.com

February 2019


Dr. Michelle interviews internationally renowned grief educator and author, Christina Rasmussen, about her latest book, "Where Did You Go; A Life-Changing Journey to Connect With Those We've Lost." Christina shares an inspiring message of hope, optimism and love for those who are grieving, and also gives listeners a guide to journeying to the other side (to the hereafter) utilizing scientific principles of the mind. Find out more about Christina, and get her books at: christinarasmussen.com


How do we survive abusive parents or caregivers and learn how to better cope with life's difficulties? Find the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Linda Deir, author of the book, "My Guided Journey; The Guided Journal Writing System of Self-Discovery and Personal Transformation." Linda talks about her latest work book, which can help you become more intuitive and help you get in touch with your "guides." She also talks about her first book, "Guided," and how she discovered her own spiritual guides, who have helped her throughout her difficult life.  Find out more about Linda Deir and get her book at: lindadeir.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle talks about how to feel more attractive, more desirable, more confident and how to step into a sexier state of mind, as she interviews Mali Apple & Joe Dunn, authors of,  "The Soulmate Lover; A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex and Intimacy." Find out more about Mali and Joe's relationship and how to get their book at: thesoulmateexperience.com

January 2019


Dr. Michelle talks about how to become healthier, happier and more productive, by shifting our thoughts and behaviors that block us from leading fulfilling, balanced lives, as she interviews, behavioral scientist and consultant for OWN's "Iyanla Fix My Life," Dr. Dinorah Nieves. "Dr. D." talks about her latest book, "LOVE YOU; 12 Ways to Be Who You Love + Love Who You Are."  Find out the practical steps that you can start today to begin believing in yourself. Pick up her book at dinorahnieves.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle interviews spiritual visionary and thought leader, Derek Rydall, author of, "The Abundance Project; 40 Days To More Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness." Derek reveals where our "real" source of abundance is, which "five blind spots" keep us from abundance and he also shares the seven gifts (abundance activators), which can help create the life of your dreams. Find out more about Derek Rydell and get his inspirational book at: theabundanceprojectbook.com or at derekrydall.com


Find out how to open your mind in order to create positive mental and physical health, how to change your negative thoughts and have the life you want, as Dr. Michelle interviews international speaker, musician, trained life coach and author, Keith Macpherson, as he talks about his latest book, "Making Sense of Mindfulness; Five Principles to Integrate Mindfulness Practice into Your Daily Life." Find out more about Keith and get his book at keithmacpherson.ca.


Dr. Michelle answers the most common and popular listener's questions from 2018, and offers suggestions and ideas about how to make their lives better. The Doc talks about how to have healthy relationships, improve our self-esteem, how to cope with others who are difficult, what to look for in a good partner and more! Check out her web site at: talkshowtherapist.com

December 2018


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr Michelle talks about, "The Naked Truth About Men and Romance," with Psychologist and author, Kathryn Foster. Learn about how men's and women's brains and thought processes differ, and how we, as women, can understand men better. Find out the most common mistakes that men and women make in their relationships, and tools we can use to make them better. Find out more about Dr. Foster, and get her books at: kathrynfosterphd.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Find out how to cope with growing up in a dysfunctional family, or with parents and family members who have a mental disorder and how to grow to have future healthy relationships and become successful in your life, as Dr. Michelle interviews Psychiatrist and best selling Author, Dr. Edward Hallowell about his latest book, "Because I Come From a Crazy Family; The Making of a Psychiatrist." Find out more about Dr. Hallowell at drhallowell.com


Dr. Michelle interviews, Dr. Lisa Shulman, author of, "Before and After Loss: A Neurologist’s Perspective on Loss, Grief, and Our Brain." Hear about the fascinating science behind grief, which can give insight into the mystery of why we react to grief in certain ways. Dr. Shulman helps those experiencing loss to feel less overwhelmed, less anxious, and less alone. Hear about Dr. Shulman's shocking experience and describe why our experience of grief is unfamiliar and surreal, and how comfort can be found in understanding how our brain responds and heals following traumatic loss. Get her book on Amazon or follow the direct link: amazon.com/Before-After-Loss-Neurologists-Perspective to get her amazing book


Dr. Michelle talks about how to create healthy communication skills, which include: How to learn to listen to others better, how to have more empathy for others, and how to have healthy conflicts, and more, with her guest, Author Oren Jay Sofer. He talks about his excellent book, "Say What You Mean; A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication." Get his book and find out more about Oren at: orenjaysofer.com

November 2018


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle talks about how to get rid of your negative core beliefs and limited thinking that keep you on the treadmill of unhappiness in your life, and in your relationships, with Psychotherapist, Mel Schwartz, author of "The Possibility Principle; How Quantum Physics Can Improve The Way You Think, Live and Love." Find out more about Mel Schwartz, and get his insightful and helpful book at: melschwartz.com


Dr. Michelle conducts a fascinating interview with Nancy Rynes, a scientist and confirmed skeptic, who writes about her two, "near death experiences (NDE's), and how she no longer fears death. During her NDE, Nancy talks about how she was shown the wonders of Heaven, and experienced joy, love, peace and beauty. Nancy also discusses her amazing encounter with a being who gave her insights into life, love, and the wonders of Spirit. After her time in "Heaven," Nancy was returned to her body to begin the long, slow process of recovering from injuries that her surgeon affirms should have killed her. Find out more about Nancy Rynes, and get her fascinating book, "Awakenings From The Light; 12 Life Lessons From A Near Death Experience," at: nancyrynes.com


Hear the fascinating story about how a successful woman became dominated and manipulated after she got sucked into a cult, which cost her tens of thousands dollars and her precious possessions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Renee Linnell about her latest book, "The Burn Zone." Renee shares the story of her nearly "seven-year detour into hell," at the hands of her spiritual cult teachers, and her quest for truth and peace to find her ultimate awakening. Renee's story of how she finally got out of the cult is truly riveting. Find out more about Renee and get her book at: reneelinnell.com


Find out how to create authentic, loving connections with others, create the changes we desire in our lives and rid ourselves of toxic beliefs, as Dr. Michelle interviews personal development and meditation teacher and author, Jonni Pollard, talk about his latest book, "The Golden Sequence; A Manual For Reclaiming Our Humanity." Hear Jonni help listeners with learning how to stop feeling dissatisfied, helpless and alone in this world of mistrust and chaos. Find out more about Jonni Pollard, and get his inspirational books at: jonnipollard.com

October 2018


Dr. Michelle talks about managing depression and other mood disorders, as she interviews Susan Noonan, MD, author of, “Take Control of Your Depression; Strategies to Help You Feel Better Now.” Dr. Noonan’s excellent workbook provides understanding and effective strategies for readers to find their emotional balance and to experience more enjoyable lives. Get this helpful book, and find out more about Dr. Noonan at susannoonanmd.com


What are some of the most well known celebrities really like behind the camera? Find out, as Dr. Michelle interviews 7-time Emmy winner, TV, film and entertainment reporter, John Corcoran Jr., about his book, “Doing Julia.” Pick up John’s fascinating book describing which celebrities are the best and worst to work with, and some of the bizarre experiences he has had with them. Get John’s book, “Doing Julia” on Amazon.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Hear how to unlock the greatness within you, as Dr. Michelle interviews internationally acclaimed speaker, performance management media expert and author, Charlie Harary, as he talks about his book, “Unlocking Your Inner Greatness; The Unexpected Journey From The Life You Have To The Life you Want." Charlie talks about how to change our thinking and lifestyles in order to unlock our greatness, and how to stop those feelings of failure and recover from negative early childhood experiences, lost businesses, relationships, health issues and other difficult experiences. Find out more about Charlie Harary and get his book at: unlockinggreatnessbook.com

September 2018


Dr. Michelle answers listeners questions about using some of the concepts in “the law of attraction,” as well as using positive affirmations and “self talk” to have more fulfilling lives. She also helps a call-in listener with learning how to be more self-confident and not be so focused on what other people think of him. Check out Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


Dr. Michelle answers listeners questions about how “self talk” can help us improve our lives, why many people decide to leave a relationship, how to get better self esteem and some of the key ingredients to make love last longer in a relationship. Check out Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener’s questions about how to deal with a “bad boss,” and how to cope with stress in the workplace. She also talks about the science behind why people say someone can actually “die from a broken heart,” as well as how music therapy can help us feel better. Check out Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com.

August 2018


From the best of "On The Couch" : Are you feeling "down in the dumps" and overwhelmed with stress and sadness in your  life? Find out how to change things up and live a happier and more productive existence, as Dr. Michelle talks to professor, ordained minister, author and motivational speaker, Dr. Reggie Padin about his latest book,"Get Out of the Dumpster; A True Story on Overcoming Limitations." Find out more about Dr. Padin and pick up his book at: reggiepadin.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle talks to Dr. Kathryn Foster, Psychologist and author of  "What Women Want….Really," Hear about the most important things men need to know to be smart about women, including how men can get women to be more interested in them, what type of men most women fall in love with, and common mistakes that guys make when they are trying to get to know a women. Dr. Michelle and Dr. Kathryn also talk about about bottom line steps for starting and building a romance. Find out more about Dr. Foster and get her book at  kathrynfosterphd.com


Dr. Michelle Interviews Maralee McLean, about her legal journey in fighting the court system in order to get her daughter away from her ex-husband, who was sexually molesting their child. Find out how the court systems help to protect sexually abused children, and what parents can do to keep their children safe, as Maralee talks about her book, "Prosecuted But Not Silenced, Court Reform for Sexually Abused Children." Find out more about Maralee and how to get her book at: maraleemclean.com


Dr. Michelle interviews Best-Selling Author and Master Life Coach, David Essel, about his latest book, "Focus!" Find out how to Focus on obtaining huge success, positive and powerful attitudes and feeling profound love, as David shares his fascinating story, and discusses his amazing teachings and techniques in his book. Find out more about David Essel and get his many inspirational books at: www.talkdavid.com


July 2018


Find out how to "Win From Within," as Dr. Michelle's guest author, 31 year-old Rob Adams, talks about his journey of healing from cancer, and his insights about life. His book has inspired people to, not only overcome any type of challenge in life, but how to become a champion in all aspects of our lives, including creating abundance, joy and love. Pick up Rob Adam's book, and become inspired and learn how to "Win From Within: Discovering the Champion Inside," on Amazon.com


Dr. Michelle discusses numerous aspects of the mystery of the afterlife, and helps listeners with their questions on this subject, as she interviews Dr. Sharon Prentice about her latest book, "Becoming Starlight; A Shared Death Journey from Darkness to Light." Psychologist, Dr. Prentice, discusses her shared death experience with her husband when he passed, and gives us hope of an afterlife, by describing her profound journey. Find out more about Dr. Sharon Prentice and get her book at sharonprentice.com.


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle talks about how to replace fear and negative thinking in order to receive unlimited possibilities and bring more joy into our lives. You'll also hear how to live without secrets and hiding, and learn how true humility and transparency can give you more clarity and move through problems. Dr. Michelle interviews internationally known visionary and author, Penney Peirce, as she talks about her latest book, "Transparency: Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity." Find out more about Penny and get her award winning inspirational books at: penneypeirce.com


Dr. Michelle interviews Anand Dilvar about his spiritually enlightening, world-wide best-selling book, “The Slave: A Spiritual Manifesto for a Better Way of Life.” Anand talks about how the protagonist in his book goes through a journey of self-realization and through a near-death experience, which eventually brings him to a new state of awareness and an understanding of his deepest self. Find out more about Anand and how to get his book at: healyourlife.com/what-are-you-a-slave-to

June 2018


Dr. Michelle answers listener’s questions about all types of relationship issues, which include why men don’t understand women’s needs and vice-versa, how to communicate better and be a great partner for the one you love.  Also find out why we become co-dependent on our partners, and how to change that dynamic. Check out Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com or Drmichelletherapy.com


Find out how to cope with growing up in a dysfunctional family, or with parents and family members who have a mental disorder and how to grow to have future healthy relationships and become successful in your life, as Dr. Michelle interviews Psychiatrist and best selling Author, Dr. Edward Hallowell about his latest book, "Because I Come From a Crazy Family; The Making of a Psychiatrist." Find out more about Dr. Hallowell at http://www.drhallowell.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about how to survive growing up with difficult parents, how to forgive others who have hurt us, why we keep getting into relationships with unhealthy partners and other helpful subjects.

Find out about Dr. Michelle at www.talkshowtherapist.


From the best of "On The Couch" : What if you could find your ideal romantic relationship? What if you could improve your physical health and be happier? What if you could have more financial success, despite our economy? Find the answers to these and more questions as Dr. Michelle interviews Mindy Audlin, author of What If It All Goes Right - Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity and Possibility."

May 2018


Dr.  Michelle answers listener's questions about how to talk to your partner about sex, how to figure out if the person you are dating is right for you, what are healthy personality traits in a spouse and how to keep positive when things around you aren't going well. Check out Dr. Michelle's web site at: talkshowtherapist.com


Why aren't most us not fulfilled with our lives? How can we change our automatic negative thoughts and live the life of our dreams? What actions can we take to be happier and more productive? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Mike Murphy, author of, "The Creation Frequency; Tune In to the Power of the Universe to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams." Find out more about Mike Murphy and get his book at: Thecreationfrequency.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle talks about how facing conflict and accepting discomfort in our relationships, can bring more intimacy, greater trust and deeper bonds, as she interviews Psychotherapist and Licensed Social Worker, Resmaa Menakem, about his latest book, "Rock The Boat; How To Use Conflict to Heal and Deepen Your Relationship." Get his book and find out more about Resmaa at:resmaarocks.com


Dr. Michelle interviews psychotherapist and author, Debbie Augenthaler, as she talks about her helpful book, “You Are Not Alone, A Heartfelt Guide for Grief, Healing and Hope. " In her interview, Debbie guides listeners through the stages of grief to transformation and understanding and to embracing new beginnings. Dr. Michelle and Debbie also help listeners understand feelings of guilt after those close to us have passed on, and how to cope with these feelings. Find out more about Debbie and get her book at: Debbieaugenthaler.com

April 2018


Dr. Michelle interviews Physician, Psychiatrist, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Award-Winning author, Dr. Mark Rubenstein, about fascinating subjects such as some of the most common misconceptions about mental illness, why people are so fascinated with TV shows that involve betrayal, murder and solving crimes and some of the most fascinating cases and bizarre patients (names are withheld for confidentiality) he has had in his experience as a psychiatrist. Find out more about Dr. Mark Rubenstein and get his thrilling novels and other fascinating books at: markrubinstein-author.com


Hear how to unlock the greatness within you, as Dr. Michelle interviews internationally acclaimed speaker, performance management media expert and author, Charlie Harary, as he talks about his book, “Unlocking Your Inner Greatness; The Unexpected Journey From The Life You Have To The Life you Want." Charlie talks about how to change our thinking and lifestyles in order to unlock our greatness, and how to stop those feelings of failure and recover from negative early childhood experiences, lost businesses, relationships, health issues and other difficult experiences. Find out more about Charlie Harary and get his book at: unlockinggreatnessbook.com

March 2018


From the best of "On The Couch" : Have you had a troubled childhood and ever wondered why you have low self esteem, depression, anxiety, bodily pain, and unhealthy relationships? Would you like to know how to overcome these problems and have a happier, more satisfied life? Find out how, as Dr. Michelle interviews James Krehbiel; author of the insightful and helpful book, "Troubled Childhood, Triumphant Life - Healing from the Battle Scars of Youth." Contact James at: scottsdaletherapy.net You can order his book on his web site or on amazon.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions and gives helpful psychological suggestions about why we self sabotage, helpful tried and true stress busters, how to be happier, and how to handle grief. Find out more about Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Why do people cheat on their partners in a relationship? How can we forgive the person who cheated on us? How can we ever trust them again? Learn the answers to these and more questions as Dr. Michelle interviews Scott Haltzman, M.D., author of "The Secrets Of Surviving Infidelity." get the book and find out more at: DrScott.com


Dr. Michelle interviews spiritual visionary and thought leader, Derek Rydall, author of, "The Abundance Project; 40 Days To More Wealth, Health, Love and Happiness." Derek reveals where our "real" source of abundance is, which "five blind spots" keep us from abundance and he also shares the seven gifts (abundance activators), which can help create the life of your dreams. Find out more about Derek Rydell and get his inspirational book at: theabundanceprojectbook.com or at derekrydall.com

February 2018


Whether you need to improve your relationship with a friend, lover, spouse or family member, Dr. Michelle and her guest, Patricia Albere, talk about Patricia's latest book, "Evolutionary Relationships; Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening." In this enlightening interview, you can find out how to become more available to yourself and to those who really matter in your life, as well as to the world in general. Patricia talks about how she has worked with over 200,000 people to help guide them to clarity and consciousness in order to find mutual awaking, more intimacy, truth and depth in their relationships. Find out more about Patricia Albere, and get her book at: evolutionarycollective.com or at patriciaalbere.com


Dr. Michelle Interviews Psychiatrist and well-known sex and relationship expert, Stephen Snyder, M.D., about his book, “Love Worth Making; How To Have Ridiculously Great Sex In A Long Lasting Relationship." Hear Dr. Snyder's expertise about what men and women's actual feelings are about sex and love, and how we can experience the best sex of our lives, even in a long lasting relationship. Hear how to understand sexual feelings, how they operate, what rules they follow, and how they connect to the rest of who you are. You can find Dr. Snyder's book at: loveworthmaking.com


In this command performance interview from 1/27/17, Dr. Michelle talks with Robert Weiss, LCSW, about his excellent book, "Out Of The Dog House; A Step-By-Step Relationship-Saving Guide for Men Caught Cheating." In his interview, Robert talks about how men can understand what to do if they have been caught cheating, and what women can do if they are having a hard time coping with the betrayal of their partner's infidelity. Find out how to move forward and fix your relationship, and pick up Robert Weiss's book at: Robertweissmsw.com


Find out what happens between people when they fall in love, how to create a healthy balance in our relationships, and how to shift our energy when we are having problems in our relationships, as Dr. Michelle interviews Psychotherapist, Mel Schwartz, about his book, “The Possibility Principle; How Quantum Physics Can Improve The Way You Think, Live And Love.” Find out more about Mel Schwartz and pick up his book at: melschwartz.com

January 2018


From the best of "On The Couch": Hear the best self-help suggestions ever, as Dr. Michelle interviews Terry Lancaster; speaker, entrepreneur, and author of "Better! Self Help For The Rest Of Us." Terry talks about how to "fuel the machine," "get up off of that thing" and how to make your life turn around for the better! Find out more about Terry Lancaster and get his best selling book at: terrylancaster.com


Dr. Michelle helps listeners learn how to find their purpose and passion, how to achieve success, time management and how to improve your attitude, as she interviews Marc Demetriou, top-rated motivational speaker and mortgage and financial expert and author of "Lessons From My Grandfather; Wisdom for Success in Business and Life." Find out more about Marc Demetriou and get his book at: Grandfatherlessons.com


Find out how to attract healthier and more loving relationships, why we self-sabatoge our relationships and and how to move from fear to love in finding the right person for you, as Dr. Michelle interviews Sophie Venable, MA, and Life Coach. Get more information about Sophie, her one day relationship workshop on February 3rd and her 8-week mentorship program for single women at sophievenable.com


From the best of "On The Couch": Find out how to hit the "reset" button on your life to be happier, have healthier relationships, gain more self-esteem and feel less stressed and depressed in general, as Dr. Michelle interviews Psychotherapist, Dr. Foojan Zeine, about her book, "Life Reset; The Awareness Integration Path to Create the Life You Want." Get Dr. Zeine's book, and find out more about her and her services at: foojan.com.

December 2017


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about how to create more positivity in our lives, how to gain more self esteem, as well as how to manage our anger and frustrations in these stressful times. The Doc also helps listeners with their relationship issues. Check out talkshowtherapist.com


From the best of "On The Couch": Want to have a happier love life, and learn how to stand up for yourself with anyone? Would you like to feel empowered with more self confidence? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews, Psychiatrist, Dr. Susan Edelman, author of, "Be Your Own Brand Of Sexy; A New Sexual Revolution for Women."
Get her book, and find out more about Dr. Susan at: http://beyourownbrandofsexy.com.  Dr. Susan also offers a bonus for LAtalkradio listeners to find out how avoid getting into a relationship with someone who may be toxic. Check out sexygiveaway.com.p


Dr. Michelle talks with her guest, entertainment guru, reporter and journalist, John Corcoran, about his latest book, "Doing Julia." Find about what it's like living in La La Land, meeting super stars and what goes on behind the scenes. Dr. Michelle and John also discuss the latest on sexual harassment charges against major entertainers and media moguls. Pick up John Corcoran's book, "Doing Julia" on Amazon.com


Dr. Michelle talks about how to get rid of your negative core beliefs and limited thinking that keep you on the treadmill of unhappiness in your life, and in your relationships, with Psychotherapist, Mel Schwartz, author of "The Possibility Principle; How Quantum Physics Can Improve The Way You Think, Live and Love." Find out more about Mel Schwartz, and get his insightful and helpful book at: melschwartz.com


From the best of "On the Couch":  Learn about the most powerful tools that will get you a job in the entertainment industry and any other job you desire Dr. Michelle Interviews author Mike Flanagan as he talks about his book "Hollywood Jobs," which is also known as "the Bible for job seekers."

November 2017


From the best of "On The Couch": Dr. Michelle interviews Ande Anderson, Co-Owner of AVAIYA and producer of the new film, "iTHINK ," which features powerful, life-changing messages from some of the world's most influential leaders, such as Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, Mike Dooley, Sonia Barrett, Andy Dooley Mary Morrissey and many more! Hear how you can change your life to have better relationships, become healthier, enjoy more successes and feel happier in general.  Find out where to see the movie, iTHINK and receive more life-changing downloads, CD's and films for the iTHINK course at:  avaiya.com


Dr. Michelle helps listeners understand how to change their consciousness in order to move forward into a soul-centered life and find their life's purpose, as she interviews Doctors Mary Hulnick and Ronald Hulnick about their latest book: "Remembering The Light Within; A Course in Soul-Centered Living." Find out more about the authors, and how to get their book at: ronandmaryhulnick.com


Dr. Michelle interviews Robert Williams, who is an expert in the study of subtle energy engineering and its effect of physical systems and in changing our human potential. Find out how to have a more joy-filled and peaceful life, as Robert talks about his latest book: "Love Is The Power; Moving Humanity From Fear To Love."  Find out more about how to improve the quality of your life at: loveisthepower.com

October 2017


Dr. Michelle talks about how to replace fear and negative thinking in order to receive unlimited possibilities and bring more joy into our lives. You'll also hear how to live without secrets and hiding, and learn how true humility and transparency can give you more clarity and move through problems. Dr. Michelle interviews internationally known visionary and author, Penney Peirce, as she talks about her latest book, "Transparency: Seeing Through to Our Expanded Human Capacity." Find out more about Penny and get her award winning inspirational books at: penneypeirce.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about how to find out if someone is being emotionally abused, what are the best tools to help boost self-esteem, what are the common types of behaviors and thoughts that can make us happier and other helpful suggestions. Check out Dr. Michelle's website at talkshowtherapist.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : What if you could find your ideal romantic relationship? What if you could improve your physical health and be happier? What if you could have more financial success, despite our economy? Find the answers to these and more questions as Dr. Michelle interviews Mindy Audlin, author of What If It All Goes Right - Creating a New World of Peace, Prosperity and Possibility."

September 2017


From the best of "One the Couch": Are you feeling "down in the dumps" and overwhelmed with stress and sadness in your  life? Find out how to change things up and live a happier and more productive existence, as Dr. Michelle talks to professor, ordained minister, author and motivational speaker, Dr. Reggie Padin about his latest book,"Get Out of the Dumpster; A True Story on Overcoming Limitations." Find out more about Dr. Padin and pick up his book at: reggiepadin.com


Want to get a handle on your anger and stress? Dr. Michelle talks to anger management specialist, therapist and life coach, Rich Esposito, about how to manage anger, anxiety, and develop skills for improving your relationships and self understanding. Find out more about Rich's work, and get his book, "35 AMAZING GROUP ACTIVITIES THAT WORK IN SCHOOLS," at angersolutionsny.com


Dr. Michelle helps listeners with suggestions about how to chill out and manage constant stress and ongoing worries, how to get back into the dating world after being in a long-term relationship and how to communicate and learn to compromise with your significant other to keep your relationship healthy. Check out talkshowtherapist.com and Dr. Michelle's iTunes podcasts at: itunes.apple.com/podcast/on-the-couch/id387113063

August 2017


From the best of "On The Couch" : What are the common reasons why most relationships break up? Is there a difference between the way men and women think, feel and communicate? How can we learn to work through our relationships? How can we heal our broken hearts once the relationships are gone? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Sandra Marchetti, hypnotherapist and author of, "Men Are From Earth, Women Are From Earth; Deal With It." Pick up her book at: amazon.com/From-Earth-Women-Earth-Deal-With


From the best of "On The Couch" : Is there life after death? What is a NDE, or "near death experience?" What is the scientific evidence behind the reality of an afterlife? Find out the answer to these and more fascinating questions as Dr. Michelle interviews Mary Jo Rapini, psychotherapist and author of, "Is God Pink? Dying to Heal." Mary Jo describes her "near death experience" of being in the presence of God and how this experience gave her the overwhelming feelings of love that changed her life. Mary Jo has done research on "NDE's" and comes from a scientific background. She also helps empower women and the men they love with her relationship expertise. Find out more about Mary Jo and get her book, "Is God Pink" on her web site at: maryjorapini.com


Find out how to hit the "reset" button on your life to be happier, have healthier relationships, gain more self-esteem and feel less stressed and depressed in general, as Dr. Michelle interviews Psychotherapist, Dr. Foojan Zeine, about her book, "Life Reset; The Awareness Integration Path to Create the Life You Want." Get Dr. Zeine's book, and find out more about her and her services at: foojan.com.

July 2017


From the best of "On The Couch": Would you like to understand people and predict their behavior any time or any place? Find out, as Dr. Michelle talks to attorney and author, Wendy Patrick, about her book, "Reading People." Whether you want to understand your partner or co-workers better, or if you want to decipher if someone is dangerous or trying to "con" you, Dr. Michelle and Wendy will tell you what to look for. "Reading People," can also help you in this "age of cyberspace and terror." Get the book and find out more about Wendy Patrick at: Wendypatrickphd.com


Dr. Michelle Interviews master motivational speaker, health and fitness expert and entrepreneur, Jaret Grossman about his latest inspirational book, "Cracking The Code." They talk about helping you find your purpose, developing greater relationships, how to expand your potential, and much more. Find out more about Jaret and get his Muscle Prodigy products and books at: Jaretgrossman.com


Dr. Michelle helps a listener with his addiction to porn, and also answers listener's questions about how to gain more self-esteem, what are some of the ways that we can create more loving relationships, and how to overcome some of our insecurities and worries. Find out more about Dr. Michelle at: talkshowtherapist.com.


From the best of "On The Couch" : Dr. Michelle helps with understanding how to cope with the changes that we go through in relationships and how to cleanse ourselves of old expectations and find ourselves again, as she interviews Dr. Kathryn Foster, author of, "When Your Relationship Changes, A Woman's Journey." Find out how to stop being a "love addict," and how to take time to heal from past painful relationships. Get Dr. Foster's book and find out more about her at: kathrynfosterphd.com

June 2017


Encore presentation from 10/2/15
Dr. Michelle talks about why we make assumptions about what others think or feel about us. Understand why you can open up to some people, but have to put up your guard with others. Find out more about your "emotional baggage," as Dr. Michelle interviews Joseph Shrand, M.D., author of, "Do You Really Get Me? - Finding Value In Yourself and Others Through Empathy and Connection." Get his book on Amazon or any book stores, and check him out at: drshrand.com


Dr. Michelle and her guest, Dr. Carl Greer, talk about how to maintain wellness in your life, manage a chronic illness or simply improve your overall well being, as they discuss Dr. Greer's latest book, "Change The Story of Your Health; Using Shamanic and Jungian Techniques for Healing." Dr. Greer talks about the four key areas of personal health, which include, eating and drinking; movement, flexibility, balance, stamina, and strength. Find out more about clinical psychologist, Jungian analyst and Shamanic practitioner Dr. Carl Greer and get his book at: www.carlgreer.com


Be a fly on the wall of a psychiatrist's office and in the courtroom and hear some outrageous stories such as, what drove a psychiatrist to enlist a patient in a plot to murder six people. Also hear what survivors of the 9/11 attack had to say to the psychiatrist who interviewed 300 of them, and more fascinating stories, as Dr. Michelle interviews one of her most popular guests, Psychiatrist, Physician and Novelist, Mark Rubinstein, MD, about his latest book, “Beyond Bedlam's Door: True Tales from the Couch & Courtroom." Find out more about Dr. Rubinstein and get his fascinating books at: markrubinstein-author.com



From the best of "On The Couch" : Have you had a troubled childhood and ever wondered why you have low self esteem, depression, anxiety, bodily pain, and unhealthy relationships? Would you like to know how to overcome these problems and have a happier, more satisfied life? Find out how, as Dr. Michelle interviews James Krehbiel; author of the insightful and helpful book, "Troubled Childhood, Triumphant Life - Healing from the Battle Scars of Youth." Contact James at: scottsdaletherapy.net You can order his book on his web site or on amazon.com


Do you believe that we can all tap into our intuition and psychic abilities? Have you always wondered if someone was "guiding" you in your life in the non-physical realm, and if so, would you like to learn how to tap into that energy and knowledge? Dr. Michelle's guest, Shannon Walbran answers these and more questions, as she talks about her book, "Guided; How To Communicate With Your Spirit Guides." Find out more about Shannon and how she may be able to help you, and get her book at: shannonwalbran.com

May 2017


Dr. Michelle talks about how to create a great and lasting relationship with your partner and what men want the most. Also find out how to manage conflict, let go of unnecessary fears and how to be satisfied in your relationship, as she interviews, Suzanne Venker, relationship, marriage and work-family conflict expert, and author of "The Alpha Female's Guide to Men and Marriage: How Love Works."   Find out more about Suzanne and get her books at: suzannevenker.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Ladies, would you like to know the real talk about who men are, how men think and why men do what they do? Would you like to know how to make your relationships with men, or that special man, actually work? Find out the answers to these and more questions as Dr. Michelle interviews Greg Sain, author of, "Woof, Woof, Real Talk for Women About Men." Men and ladies, you'll LOL at some of the surprisingly good advice Greg gives about making relationships work. Contact Greg at: Woofwoofthebook.com


From the best of "On The Couch" : Is there life after death? Dr. Michelle talks to well known dream expert and author, Dr. Gillian Holloway, about her extensive research that gives a good deal of proof to the belief that those who have passed on do contact us in our dreams. Dr. Holloway also analyzes the meaning of different dreams. Contact Dr. Holloway at :lifetreks.com


Want to have a happier love life, and learn how to stand up for yourself with anyone? Would you like to feel empowered with more self confidence? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews, Psychiatrist, Dr. Susan Edelman, author of, "Be Your Own Brand Of Sexy; A New Sexual Revolution for Women."
Get her book, and find out more about Dr. Susan at: http://beyourownbrandofsexy.com.  Dr. Susan also offers a bonus for LAtalkradio listeners to find out how avoid getting into a relationship with someone who may be toxic. Check out sexygiveaway.com.

April 2017


From the best of "On The Couch" - What are the common reasons why most relationships break up? Is there a difference between the way men and women think, feel and communicate? How can we learn to work through our relationships? How can we heal our broken hearts once the relationships are gone? Find out the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Sandra Marchetti, hypnotherapist and author of, "Men Are From Earth, Women Are From Earth; Deal With It." Pick up her book at: amazon.com/From-Earth-Women-Earth-Deal-With


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about what to say to someone who you have decided to not date anymore, how to deal with jealousy, what some of the most common misconceptions about men are, and what are the things that many "happy people" do, think and feel! Check out these and more answers to listener's questions, and Dr. Michelle's web site at: talkshowtherapist.com


Dr. Michelle talks to Dr. Ray Spencer about his new book, "Memoirs of An Innocent Man," which is the true story of how he was convicted for two life sentences for crimes he did not commit.

Dr. Spencer, who was formally a police officer, shares how he survived 20 years in prison and how he suffered before finally getting his false conviction overturned, with the help of his first love, Norma, and the other family members who finally came forward to tell the truth to save his life. 

Get Dr. Ray Spencer's book,"Memoirs of An Innocent Man," at amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.

Watch the story of Dr. Spencer's ordeal on 20/20 at:  youtube.com/watch?v=1Gz77Aj-ydw



March 2017


Dr. Michelle talks with the "Ultimate Matrchmaker," Gina Hendrix,  about her great new experiental dating service, "Jones," as well as the "do and don'ts" of online and in-person dating. Dr. Michelle and Gina also answer listener's questions about how to know if someone is really looking for love and not just playing around, and what the biggest dating mistakes are that men and women make. Find out more about Gina, and get her book, "Stop Being a Bitch and Get a Boyfriend, at amazon and check out her "Exclusive in LA" dating service at: exclusiveinla.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about how to manage their guilt, anger, low self-esteem, and how to be more satisfied in their lives in general. She also talks about some of the best ways for couples to communicate and act towards each other to create happier relationships.

Find out more about Dr. Michelle at: talkshowtherapist.com


Dr. Michelle helps you learn how to move past your blocks that have held you back from having stronger relationships and finding the success you have always dreamed of, with her guest, Dr. Brit Poulson, who talks about his book, "The Clarity Compass." Hear how to see more clearly, and live a happier life now! Find out more about Dr. Poulson, and get his book at: clarity-compass.com

February 2017


Encore presentation of installment 10/04/2013
Dr. Michelle features award winning actor, artist, activist, and authorJim Carrey, as he talks about his first book for children, "How Rowland Rolls." Jim Carrey gives listeners a peek into his "deeper" side and discusses what inspired him to write the book, why he wants to "bring children and their grown ups together," and other insights he shares about his terrific book! (Jim and The Visioneering Group have provided pre-recorded answers). 
Get the book and find out about the upcoming e-book and more at:howrolandrolls.com


Does your partner seem cold, manipulative, critical, jealous or quick to anger? If so, you might be in
a relationship with a narcissist. Find out how to spot the red flags in identifying people who have this personality disorder, how to survive in a relationship with a narcissist and more, as Dr. Michelle interviews Dr. Ramani Durvasula, Professor, TV/Radio expert and author of, "Should I Stay Or Should I Go; Surviving A Relationship With A Narcissist." Find out more about Dr. Durvasula and get her book at: doctor-ramani.com


Dr. Michelle helps with understanding how to cope with the changes that we go through in relationships and how to cleanse ourselves of old expectations and find ourselves again, as she interviews Dr. Kathryn Foster, author of, "When Your Relationship Changes, A Woman's Journey." Find out how to stop being a "love addict," and how to take time to heal from past painful relationships. Get Dr. Foster's book and find out more about her at: kathrynfosterphd.com

January 2017


Guys, have you been caught cheating? Women, are you having a hard time coping with the betrayal of your partner's infidelity? Find out how to move forward and fix your relationship, as Dr. Michelle talks with Robert Weiss, LCSW, about his excellent book, "Out Of The Dog House; A Step-By-Step Relationship-Saving Guide for Men Caught Cheating." Find out more about Robert and get his book at: robertweissmsw.com


If you, or someone you know has treatment-resistant depression, Dr. Michelle and her guest, Dean Mackinnon, MD, talk about how to overcome depression and feel better. Dr. Mackinnon, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins Medical School, discusses his latest book, "Still Down; What to Do When Antidepressants Fail," where he  presents nine interesting composite stories drawn from patients he has seen in his twenty years as an expert in treatment-resistant mood disorders. You will get a better understanding of chronic depression and the range of effective treatment options. Get his latest book at: jhupbooks.press.jhu.edu/content/still-down


Dr. Michelle talks to corporate senior executive Andrew Faas about how to define bullying in the workplace, and whether our companies and bosses are emotionally or pathologically dangerous to our stress levels.  Also, get advice about how to deal with "the bully's trap" and more, as Andrew talks about his latest book, "From Bully To Bull's-Eye;  Move Your Organization Out of the Line of Fire."  Get his book and find out more at andrewfaas.com


Encore presentation from 4/15/2016: Have you always wanted to be a fly on the wall in a therapist's office to see what goes on with patients? Would you like to see through the eyes of a psychologist to see what we see? Dr. Michelle interviews Dr. Kathryn Foster about these subjects as they talk about Dr. Foster's book, "Sessions: Memoirs of a Psychotherapist." Dr. Michelle and her guest also talk about "Narcissistic Personality Disorder," and someone with multiple personalities. Get Dr. Kathryn Foster's relationship, self-help and other excellent books at: kathrynfosterphd.com

December 2016


How can we feel better for the new year and learn how to easily create more balance, happiness and peace in our lives? Find out, as Dr. Michelle interviews Briana Borten and Dr. Peter Borten, authors of "The Well Life; How to Use Structure, Sweetness, and Space to Create Balance, Happiness, and Peace"

Find out more about the authors and get their book at: thewelllifebook.com


From the open door of a psychiatric emergency room to the underground of a maximum security prison, Dr. Michelle takes us on a journey with Psychiatrist, Professor and Author, Mark Rubinstein to help listeners understand the minds, causes and cures for the mentally ill, and to discuss his latest fascinating book, "Bedlam's Door: True Stories of Madness and Hope," Find out more about Mark Rubinstein, MD and get his books at: markrubinstein-author.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about how to change our moods when we are having a bad day, how to rekindle good sex in our long-term relationships, how self-talk can help us feel better about our lives and how to deal with a partner who refuses to change their bad habits. Check out Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


Find out about the essential truths for you to live a free and joyous life, as Dr. Michelle interviews Arsen Marsoobian (Papa Soob), author of, "Don't Die; Three Essential Truths for Your Fulfilled and Happy Life." Learn how to live your life more fully and get motivated to follow your passions. Find out more about Arsen, and get his books at: papasoob.com

November 2016


Encore presentation from 9/02/16:
Does your partner seem cold, manipulative, critical, jealous or quick to anger? If so, you might be in
a relationship with a narcissist. Find out how to spot the red flags in identifying people who have this personality disorder, how to survive in a relationship with a narcissist and more, as Dr. Michelle interviews Dr. Ramani Durvasula, Professor, TV/Radio expert and author of, "Should I Stay Or Should I Go; Surviving A Relationship With A Narcissist." Find out more about Dr. Durvasula and get her book at: doctor-ramani.com


Encore presentation from 07/20/12
Why do so many people report having similar "after life" experiences once they have awakened after being unconscious or pronounced clinically dead? Are reports of near death experiences (NDE's) evidence that there is an after life? Find out the answers to these and more questions as Dr. Michelle interviewspsychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini, author of, "Is God Pink?".

This ground-breaking book is about Mary Jo's personal NDE's after undergoing surgery for a brain aneurysm. This book helps us all understand why we are here and where we are going. Get a copy and find out more about Mary Jo at: maryjorapini.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions and gives helpful suggestions about how to forgive someone who you feel has betrayed you, how to feel more optimistic when there are bad things happening around us and why finding the right people to date is do difficult. Check out Dr. Michelle and her other media work at: talkshowtherapist.com


Encore presentation from 7/1/16
"The Soulmate Lover"
Would you like to feel more attractive, more desirable or sexier? Find out how you can we step into a sexier state of mind as Dr. Michelle talks to Mali Apple & Joe Dunn, authors of "The Soulmate Lover, A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex and Intimacy." Find out how to get their books at: thesoulmateexperience.com

October 2016


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about how to talk to our partners about sex, how to find out if you are dating a narcissist, the seven most common negative myths about relationships and why some people are so needy. Check out Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


Enchore presentation of installment 01/08/16
Dr. Michelle talks to Dr. Kathryn Foster, Psychologist and author of  "What Women Want….Really," Hear about the most important things men need to know to be smart about women, including how men can get women to be more interested in them, what type of men most women fall in love with, and common mistakes that guys make when they are trying to get to know a women. Dr. Michelle and Dr. Kathryn also talk about about bottom line steps for starting and building a romance. Find out more about Dr. Foster and get her book at  kathrynfosterphd.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions and gives them suggestions about how to cope with a jealous partner, how to better communicate to have healthier relationships, how to deal with people who constantly belittle us, and how to get better self-esteem. Check out Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


Find out how to have more deeply connected relationships, by changing your negative attitudes and beliefs, loving your bodies and getting rid of old emotional baggage that keeps you from finding the right relationships, as I talk to Mali Apple and Joe Dunn, relationship experts and authors of "The Soulmate Experience; A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships." Get more information about the authors and their other books and courses at:thesoulmateexperience.com

September 2016


Encore presentation from 10/2/15
Dr. Michelle talks about why we make assumptions about what others think or feel about us. Understand why you can open up to some people, but have to put up your guard with others. Find out more about your "emotional baggage," as Dr. Michelle interviews Joseph Shrand, M.D., author of, "Do You Really Get Me? - Finding Value In Yourself and Others Through Empathy and Connection." Get his book on Amazon or any book stores, and check him out at: drshrand.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about how to have better self esteem, how to feel good about yourself in social situations, managing relationship issues and how to deal with all the stressors in our lives. Also, take  Dr. Michelle's "on air" personality quiz about your inner "superhero." Find out more about Dr. Michelle at talkshowtherapist.com


Encore presentation from 5/1/15
Dr. Michelle talks about how facing conflict and accepting discomfort in our relationships, can bring more intimacy, greater trust and deeper bonds, as she interviews Psychotherapist and Licensed Social Worker, Resmaa Menakem, about his latest book, "Rock The Boat; How To Use Conflict to Heal and Deepen Your Relationship." Get his book and find out more about Resmaa at:resmaarocks.com


Dr. Michelle interviews Ande Anderson, Co-Owner of AVAIYA and producer of the new film, "iTHINK ," which features powerful, life-changing messages from some of the world's most influential leaders, such as Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, Mike Dooley, Sonia Barrett, Andy Dooley Mary Morrissey and many more! Hear how you can change your life to have better relationships, become healthier, enjoy more successes and feel happier in general.  Find out where to see the movie, iTHINK and receive more life-changing downloads, CD's and films for the iTHINK course at:  avaiya.com


Does your partner seem cold, manipulative, critical, jealous or quick to anger? If so, you might be in
a relationship with a narcissist. Find out how to spot the red flags in identifying people who have this personality disorder, how to survive in a relationship with a narcissist and more, as Dr. Michelle interviews Dr. Ramani Durvasula, Professor, TV/Radio expert and author of, "Should I Stay Or Should I Go; Surviving A Relationship With A Narcissist." Find out more about Dr. Durvasula and get her book at: doctor-ramani.com

August 2016


Dr. Michelle helps listeners with their issues on how to flirt with someone you want to impress and how to read someone else's body language to find out if they do or don't like you. Also find out what NOT to do in a relationship if you want to keep it thriving, how to stop those constant fears and negative thoughts which interfere with your happiness and other helpful suggestions from Dr. Michelle to make your life better. Find out more about Dr. Michelle at: talkshowtherapist.com


Be a fly on the wall of a psychiatrist's office, and listen in, as Dr. Michelle talks with Dr. Mark Rubinstein, author of "Bedlam's Door; True Tales of Madness and Hope." Hear about some of the most interesting psychiatric cases, what drives a sociopath and how to better understand what causes mental disorders. Find out more about Dr. Rubinstein and pick up all of his compelling fiction and non-fiction books at markrubinstein-author.com

July 2016


Are you feeling "down in the dumps" and overwhelmed with stress and sadness in your  life? Find out how to change things up and live a happier and more productive existence, as Dr. Michelle talks to professor, ordained minister, author and motivational speaker, Dr. Reggie Padin about his latest book,"Get Out of the Dumpster; A True Story on Overcoming Limitations." Find out more about Dr. Padin and pick up his book at: reggiepadin.com


Encore presentation of the October 24, 2014 show:
Find out what the sexiest things are about women in a man's eyes, how to understand men's "basic operating systems," five things that men look for in finding "the one," and more great relationship advice, as Dr. Michelle interviews Fiona Fine, Author of, "Babe In Total Control Of Herself (B.I.T.C.H.) - Stop Chasing Men and Start Choosing Love." Learn more about Fiona's dating coach work, and pick up her book at: fionafine.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about marriage and relationship problems, understanding and changing passive/aggressive behaviors, how to improve your self esteem, and how to get out of abusive relationships. Find out more about Dr. Michelle at: talkshowtherapist.com


The Soulmate Lover
Would you like to feel more attractive, more desirable or sexier? Find out how you can we step into a sexier state of mind as Dr. Michelle talks to Mali Apple & Joe Dunn, authors of "The Soulmate Lover, A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex and Intimacy." Find out how to get their books at: thesoulmateexperience.com

June 2016


Are you or someone in your life destroying relationships because of your anger? Why are so many people angry these days? Find out how to get a handle on yourself, or someone else's anger, as Dr. Michelle talks to Dr. Bernard Golden, author of "Overcoming Destructive Anger; Strategies that Work." Find out more about Dr. Golden and get his book at: angermanagementeducation.com


Encore presentation of the April 4, 2014 show:
Dr. Michelle talks about how we can control self-sabotaging thoughts, mind chatter and other negative beliefs and actions that keep us stuck and unhappy. Her guests, Tanya Chernova andJoanna Andros are the authors of "UnderMind," an enlightening new book that helps us understand how our mind works, and how we can use powerful and effective tools to improve our lives Find out how you can learn about the seven subconscious beliefs that sabotage our lives, and how we can overcome them, with WonderMind tools and an amazingly effective therapy, called PNRT. Get the book and learn more about the authors at:courageousliving.com


Dr. Michelle talks about "The Seven Commandments for Finding Happiness and Prosperity,"

with Author Sheri Sharifi Brown, who discusses the importance of following each commandment in order to have happier and more meaningful lives. Find out more about Sheri, and get her book at: sevencommandments.com

May 2016


Encore presentation of the June 7, 2013 show:
Why do people cheat on their partners in a relationship? How can we forgive the person who cheated on us? How can we ever trust them again? Learn the answers to these and more questions as Dr. Michelle interviews Scott Haltzman, M.D., author of "The Secrets Of Surviving Infidelity." get the book and find out more at: DrScott.com


Encore presentation of the January 13, 2013 show:
Would you like to know how men think, why men do what they do, and in short, really understand who men are? Find out as Dr. Michelle interviews Greg Sain, author of "Woof, Woof, Real Talk for Women About Men." Greg explains why all men are dogs and "how you can train them." Find out why his book will help you make your relationships with men, or that special man, actually work smoothly, effortlessly, painlessly and lovingly. Get the book, or contact Greg Sain at: WOOFWOOFbyGregSain.com


Dr. Michelle talks about "The Ultimate Guide to Male Sexual Health: How to Stay Vital at Any Age," with Author, Dr. Dudley Danoff . His revolutionary book helps men learn about super potency, and how to have the confidence and ability to perform sexually in any situation at any age. Dr. Danoff also talks to women about understanding their men better and discusses all the old myths about penis size and other controversial subjects. Get Dr. Danoff's book at: amazon.com/Ultimate-Guide-Male-Sexual-Health/

Dr. Danoff is the attending urologic surgeon and founder/president of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Tower Urology Group in Los Angeles, California.


Dr. Michelle helps listeners with how to understand and change low self-esteem, overcome guilt, and understand how we can get into a cycle of emotional abuse. Doc also talks about where many men are coming from by their actions and feelings, based on her experience and personality studies.

April 2016


Do poly-amorous relationships work? Find out as I talk with author Pouline Middleton about her controversial book, "One Woman, Three Men," and hear why it could be an alternative to traditional dating from the woman who chose to change her lifestyle. Hear why Pouline says that a modern woman actually needs not one man, but three: one for sex, one for intellectual stimulation, and one to help around the house. Find out more about Pouline and get her book at:  onewomanthreemen.com



Have you always wanted to be a fly on the wall in a therapist's office to see what goes on with patients? Would you like to see through the eyes of a psychologist to see what we see? Dr. Michelle interviews Dr. Kathryn Foster about these subjects as they talk about Dr. Foster's book, "Sessions: Memoirs of a Psychotherapist." Dr. Michelle and her guest also talk about "Narcissistic Personality Disorder," and someone with multiple personalities. Get Dr. Kathryn Foster's relationship, self-help and other excellent books at: kathrynfosterphd.com


Dr. Michelle talks about treating depression, anxiety and other disorders with "Bio-Touch; Healing With The Power In Our Fingertips," as she talks to author, Debra Schildhouse and other bio-touch practitioner, Paul Bucky. Find out more about this fascinating and healing technique, and get the book at: justtouch.com

March 2016


Is your boss a bully? Are you in a workplace that has gossip, backstabbing or political jockeying for jobs? I'll be talking about how to deal with these problems and more, as I answer listener's questions and interview Joan Kingsley, author of "The Fear-Free Organization; Vital Insights From Neuroscience To Transform Your Business Culture."  Find out more about Joan and get her book at: thefearfreeorganization.com


Dr. Michelle talks about how to achieve healthy and fulfilling love relationships with her guest, Michael Gabriel, author of, "The Balanced Relationship Barometer." Find out how to define exactly what you want in a love relationship and what you need to do to take action towards finding a fulfilling relationship. Hear about the "emotional tethers" that may be keeping you in bad relationships. Learn more about Michael Gabriel, and get his book, "The Balanced Relationship Barometer," (and download his free barometer app) at: http://www.relationshipbarometer.com


Dr. Michelle helps with understanding how to cope with the changes that we go through in relationships and how to cleanse ourselves of old expectations and find ourselves again, as she interviews Dr. Kathryn Foster, author of, "When Your Relationship Changes, A Woman's Journey." Find out how to stop being a "love addict," and how to take time to heal from past painful relationships. Get Dr. Foster's book and find out more about her at: http://www.kathrynfosterphd.com

February 2016


Hear the best self-help suggestions ever, as Dr. Michelle interviews Terry Lancaster; speaker, entrepreneur, and author of "Better! Self Help For The Rest Of Us." Terry talks about

how to "fuel the machine," "get up off of that thing" and how to make your life turn around for the better! Find out more about Terry Lancaster and get his best selling book at: terrylancaster.com


Dr. Michelle talks about why opposites attract with Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist, Jeff Tannen.  Find out the problems and benefits of being with an "opposite." Hear Jeff talk about how our upbringing affects our personality types, and identify your traits to see who would be your perfect partner. Hear about how hypnotherapy can help with your relationship and other issues. Get Jeff Tannen's book, "Transference" and find out more about him at:http://www.jefftannen.com


Dr. Michelle talks about how to cope with a bully in the workplace, the common personality traits of a bully, what you can do to get back at a bully, how to heal from being bullied and more, as she interviews Andrew Faas, author of, "The Bully's Trap; Bullying in the Workplace." Get Andrew's book at: andrewfaas.com

January 2016


Dr. Michelle interviews Merry Miller, M.D. and talks about her book, "Finding Your Emotional Balance," which is a guide for women going through various stages of life. Find out about common mental issues and the stories about women who have overcome life's challenges. Get great information on coping strategies and more. Guys can also learn more about the women in their lives. Check out Dr. Miller's website and get her book at: merrynoelmiller.com


Dr. Michelle talks to Dr. Kathryn Foster, Psychologist and author of  "What Women Want….Really," Hear about the most important things men need to know to be smart about women, including how men can get women to be more interested in them, what type of men most women fall in love with, and common mistakes that guys make when they are trying to get to know a women. Dr. Michelle and Dr. Kathryn also talk about about bottom line steps for starting and building a romance. Find out more about Dr. Foster and get her book at  kathrynfosterphd.com

December 2015


Find out how to keep from messing up your marriage, how to forgive people who have hurt you, what qualities to look for in a good partner and if you should we continue to stay with partners who have cheated on you, as Dr. Michelle helps listeners with these and more interesting relationship questions. Check her out at talkshowtherapist.com


Dr Michelle talks about, "The Naked Truth About Men and Romance," with Psychologist and author, Kathryn Foster. Learn about how men's and women's brains and thought processes differ, and how we, as women, can understand men better. Find out the most common mistakes that men and women make in their relationships, and tools we can use to make them better. Find out more about Dr. Foster, and get her books at: kathrynfosterphd.com


Dr. Michelle talks about how our minds and bodes are connected, and howwe can overcome chronic pain by working through our issues, and using mind techniques.

Hear Doc's guest, Dr.Peter Przekop, talk about his book, "Conquer Chronic Pain; An Innovative Mind-Body Approach," and get a better understand of your mind-body connection and tools to help you with psychological issues and pain management.Get Dr. Przekop's book at: peterprzekop.com

November 2015


Dr. Michelle helps listeners find out how sober Mom's (and anyone who has struggled with sobriety) can learn how to overcome guilt, anger, loneliness and more, when in recovery. Her guest is Rosemary O'Connor, certified addiction recovery and professional coach, and author of, "A Sober Mom's Guide To Recovery; Taking Care of Yourself to Take Care of Your Kids." Get her most helpful

book at: clairemckinneypr.com/a-sober-moms-guide-to-recovery-by-rosemary-oconnor/


Dr. Michelle talks about why many of our girls are having anxiety,depression, low self-esteem, identity issues and unhealthy relationships as she interviews Laura Choate, author of "Swimming Upstream; Parenting Girls for Resilience In A Toxic Culture." Hear about how to help our girls,and how we can cope with their issues as parents.Find out more about Laura Choate and get her books on www.Amazon.com

October 2015


Encore presentation of installment 12/05/14
Learn how to turn a bad day into a good one, and how to feel more confident and calm, as Dr. Michelle interviews Barb Schmid, author of "THE PRACTICE: Simple Tools for Managing Stress, Finding Inner Peach and Uncovering Happiness." Get Barb's book and find out more about how to make your life more fulfilling at: barbschmidt.com


Dr. Michelle talks about helping people overcome their personal issues and personality problems, which cause them "emotional extortion," fears of abandonment and other issues. Hear how to "untangle your emotions from your money," with guest, Pegi Burdick, and find out more about the "Financial Whisperer," and get her excellent book, "It's Never About The Money.....Even When It Is," at Amazon and at thefinancialwhisperer.com.


Encore presentation of installment 07/31/15
Dr. Michelle talks to relationship expert, Gina Hendrix, about dating advice, dating trends, the best way to meet people, how not to act if you really want a relationship and more crucial dating and relationship advice. Check out Gina's book, "Stop Being A Bitch And Get A Boyfriend," and her concierge matchmaking company, "Exclusive Introductions," at exclusiveinla.com. Also, get relationship advice at: askarelationshipexpert.com


Dr. Michelle answers listener's questions about how to have great relationships, how to get rid of feeling self-conscious, why breaking up is so difficult and how to deal with "passive-aggressive" people, and change yourself from creating drama in your relationships. Check out Dr. Michelle at: talkshowtherapist.com


Dr. Michelle talks about why we make assumptions about what others think or feel about us. Understand why you can open up to some people, but have to put up your guard with others. Find out more about your "emotional baggage," as Dr. Michelle interviews Joseph Shrand, M.D., author of, "Do You Really Get Me? - Finding Value In Yourself and Others Through Empathy and Connection." Get his book on Amazon or any book stores, and check him out at: drshrand.com

September 2015


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Encore presentation of installment 09/26/14
Why do women fall for the "bad boys," and how can they identify a "good guy?" Are men who are emotionally abusive able to change? Find out how can we heal from relationships which are abusive and get more insight, as Dr. Michelle interviews Randy Susan Meyers, author of "Accidents of Marriage." Learn more about Randy and pick up her book at: randysusanmeyers.com


Find out if you are a codependent person, and how to change some of those self-destructive behaviors and thoughts, and learn more about the tools given to Al-Anons to cope with our difficult upbringings. Dr. Michelle interviews Misti B., Author of, "If You Leave Me, Can I Come With You? Daily Meditations for Codependents and Al-Anons...with a Sense of Humor." Find out more about Misti and get her book at: Mistibwrites.com


Learn why your eating habits may reflect your psychological well being, as Dr. Michelle interviews Sarajoy Marsh, author of, "Hunger, Hope & Healing, A Yoga Approach to Reclaiming Your Relationship to Your Body and Food." Find out If you have an eating disorder and understand why it may be a reflection of low self-esteem, feeling out of control of your life and and other underlying issues. Learn more about Sarahjoy and get her book at: sarahjoyyoga.com

August 2015


Dr. Michelle talks to relationship expert, Gina Hendrix, about dating advice, dating trends, the best way to meet people, how not to act if you really want a relationship and more crucial dating and relationship advice. Check out Gina's book, "Stop Being A Bitch And Get A Boyfriend," and her concierge matchmaking company, "Exclusive Introductions," at exclusiveinla.com. Also, get relationship advice at: askarelationshipexpert.com


Encore presentation of installment 06/12/2015
Dr. Michelle talks about how to improve your life and your health, as she interviews spiritual leader and author, Barb Schmidt, about her latest book, "The Practice" - Simple Tools For Managing Stress, Finding Inner Peace and Uncovering Happiness. Find out how to "wake up", "live in the present" and "let go" to enjoy the life you deserve.
Learn more about Barb and get her book at barbschmidt.com


Encore presentation of installment 04/18/2014
Dr. Michelle answers listeners' questions about why a wife's personality and habits suddenly changed after they got married, which caused "the marriage from Hell," and how to handle arguments with your partner. The doc also gives suggestions to a listener on how to stay in a happy and strong relationship, and also gives suggestions on how to get through "the tough times" or major transitions in our lives. Check out Dr. Michelle attalkshowtherapist.com


Dr. Michelle talks about the keys to having successful relationships with Alan Fox, Author of, "People Tools for Love and Relationships; The Journey from Me to Us." Hear how to be the right person for a successful relationship and some of the wrong things we do to destroy relationships. Find out more about Alan and get his latest and other bestselling "People Tools" books at: peopletoolsbook.com

July 2015


Dr. Michelle talks to relationship expert, Gina Hendrix, about dating advice, dating trends, the best way to meet people, how not to act if you really want a relationship and more crucial dating and relationship advice. Check out Gina's book, "Stop Being A Bitch And Get A Boyfriend," and her concierge matchmaking company, "Exclusive Introductions," at exclusiveinla.com. Also, get relationship advice at: askarelationshipexpert.com


Find out how learning some of the basic principles of quantum physics can also impact your life and change your thinking to help solve problems, as Dr. Michelle interviews Dianne Collins about her 6-time award winning book, "Do You QuantumThink?; New Thinking That Will Rock Your World." Find out more about Dianne, and get her book at: diannecollins.com


How do we survive abusive parents or caregivers and learn how to better cope with life's difficulties? Why is it senseless to ask ourselves why we "should" or "could" have done something different in our lives? Find the answers to these and more questions, as Dr. Michelle interviews Linda Deir, author of the book, "Guided." Hear how Linda discovered her own spiritual guides, who have helped her through out her life, and how you can become more intuitive and get in touch with your "guides." Find out more about Linda Deir and get her book at: lindadeir.com


Dr. Michelle talks to international award-winning Lawyer and Barrister, Polly Higgins, about her latest book, "I Dare You To Be Great." Learn how to become greater in your life and how to find more happiness. Understand where some of your self-destructive habits come from and how to get rid of them. Get her book at amazon and other outlets or at: eradicatingecocide.com. Find out more about Polly Higgins at: pollyhiggins.com