Max & Friends

Max Tucci


•Best Selling Author • Culinary & Lifestyle Expert • Motivational Speaker • Emcee • On Air Talent • Multi-Award Winning Producer, Director & Host

Max Tucci is a Telly Award, Communicator Award, w3 Award, Muse Award, and Davey Award winner. Coined a "Lifestyle Expert" from his appearances on America's Next Top Model; with Tyra Banks. Max is the Best-Selling Author of the cookbook, 'The Delmonico Way; Sublime Entertaining and Legendary Recipes from the Restaurant that Made New York!' Rizzoli - 2022

Max is the grandson of famous restaurateur, the late Oscar Tucci of the legendary Delmonico's Restaurant in downtown NYC. Max wad a featured "Rachael Ray Buddy," a culinary enthusiast on eHow and an interior expert on

In addition to Max & Friends, Max's Television Show, 'Eye On The People with Max Tucci" - aired on WSFLW/The CW.

MAX & Friends is in it's 15th year On-Air, with millions of downloads, Max continues to inspire, motivate and encourage his listeners every Sunday Night at 8pm PST 11pm EST here on L.A. Talk Radio and now all podcasting platforms.


• The Delmonico Way; Sublime Entertaining and Legendary Recipes from the Restaurant that Made New York! Pre-order NOW. Oct. 2022 release date.

• Meditation; Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices by Dr. Sister Jenna and Friends.

Max resides between New York, Florida, Colorado, & Italy.

Max is represented by Mark Turner at Abrams Artists 646-486-4600 • 

Max is seen on:

WSFL /TheCW, Bravo, Lifetime, CNN, CNBC, TruTV, HDLN, MSNBC, MTV, VH1, PIX11, WE!, Fox Family, MTVE, The CW, ESPN eHow, & The Daily Buzz.

Follow Max on:

Twitter & Instagram @maxtucci 


MAX & Friends! Streams now on all podcasting platforms.

Show Time: 
Sunday 8:00PM - 8:59PM
Show Description: 

Since 2008 Max Tucci brings you award winning shows, as his them song goes, "He says what he wants, he ain't holding back. He's got the recipes for life and he's inspiring, he's not scared of any topic from sex dial to gossip, Listen in, to hear what Max is dishing"... from Celebrity interviews to Hot Topics to Theological Myth Busting to Fashion Reviews to Conscious Conversation, to you name it... Max will discuss it! With his mission to inspire, motivate and encourage his listeners, to take life... 2theMAX! L.A. TalK Radio, This is MAX & Friends!

Listen to Max & Friends Live
Sundays at 8:00PM (PST)

Show Archives

August 2023

July 2023

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022

November 2022

October 2022

September 2022

August 2022

July 2022

June 2022



Menudo Forever Young

Ash Ruiz & Cesar Abreu former Menudo Band Members Join Max!

Ash & Cesar open up about Growing Up Menudo and the new HBOMax

Docuseries Menudo Forever Youn, Debut June 23rd on HBOMax




Part 2 Lifeclass

Being The 7 Illusions That Derail Personal Power, Purpose, and Peace





Part 1 Lifeclass

Living The 7 Blessings of Human Experience


May 2022



Sky Sheridan

10 Year Reunion, Sky is back and the show shifts from his book The Seven Shifts into Farming, food, and why you should meet a farmer! Healthy Earth and Happy Humans. Interconnection Conversation



Isabel Mar 

Return To YOU

You Are Not A Thought.



Part 2

Guest: Dr. Kristy Vanacore 

IG @vanacore_embodyyourwild

Author of:

Rewilding: A Woman's Quest to Remember Her Roots, Rekindle Her Instincts, and Reclaim Her Sovereignty



Part 1

Guest: Dr. Kristy Vanacore 

IG @vanacore_embodyyourwild

Author of:

Rewilding: A Woman's Quest to Remember Her Roots, Rekindle Her Instincts, and Reclaim Her Sovereignty

April 2022


Best Of Shows

with Guest - Ed Hajim

How you ever taken the road less traveled?

Guest: Ed Hajim

IG @edhajimauthor

"On The Road Less Traveled"

Author, Philanthropist, CEO, Motivational Speaker; Ed Hajim

Join Max and Ed as they discuss, Ed's new book, his story, his family, his success and what motivates him to never give up!


Conflict Resolution 

Guest: Meysa Maleki

Author of:

"The Conflict Resolution Grail: Awareness, Compassion and a Negotiator’s Toolbox"

March 2022


Best of Shows with:

Kymberli Joye

Gospel Singer 


Best of Shows with:

Gordana Biernat 

Oprah SuperSoul 100 Author of #KnowTheTruth

February 2022


Best of Shows with:

Margaret Shug Avery 

Actress from the classic film The Color Purple 




Kimberly Meredith

Author of "Awakening to the Fifth Dimension, Discovering the Soul's Path to Healing"




Lee Tannen

Author of "I Loved Lucy, My Friendship with Lucille Ball"



Guests: Gordana Biernat & Valerie Love 

Living Fearlessly 

January 2022



Guests: Sister Jenna, Emily Hine, Diane L. Haworth

Meditation; Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices 

What does Meditation mean to you? Do you Meditate?



Guest: Dipal Shah

"What is Energy Healing, Energy Medicine and Mind Reprogramming"



Guest: Ash Ruiz

"Navigating Through the Fire"

Ash joins Max to discuss his experience in the Boulder, Colorado fires. Ash helps us understand what the fires in are lives are all about and how we can navigate through them.



Guest: Barri Leiner Grant 

"Navigating Through Grief"

What is Grief for the living and those who have passed?

December 2021


Best of Shows 2014

Christmas 2014



Guest: Ravi Kathuria 

What is Meditation 



Guest: Debbie Travis

Auhtor of: Joy Lessons from a Tuscan Villa 

*note this show has minor technical issues 

November 2021



Guests: Joe Loizzo & Elazar Aslan 

Authors of

"Boundless Leadership"



Guest: Jennifer English 

Jennifer English interviews Max Tucci 

For the first time Max turns over his microphone to James Beard & Gracie Award Winner Jennifer English as she interviews Max on his forthcoming cookbook The Delmonico Way and The Future of Food & Hospitality 

Intentions • Hospitality • Clarity 


MAX & Friends; Best of Shows 

Guest: Gordana Biernat - Soul Exploring 

October 2021



Guest: Jennifer English 

"The Future of Food and Hospitality



Guests: Taja Sevelle & John Ubaldo 

"The Future of Farming"


Guest: Rev. Valerie Love

"Intentions For Receiving"

September 2021



Guest: Elizabeth Longo / Ordained Minister, Life Coach, Spiritual Leader

"Staying In YOUR Power"



Guest: Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati / Spiritual Leader, Author of Hollywood To The Himalayas

 Part Two of a Two Part Lifeclass 

"Joy In The Journey"

Are you starting a new journey of healing and transformation? Are you searching for encouragement & inspiration...? Then Tune In!



Guest: Ed Hajim / CEO, Motivational Speaker, Author of On The Road Less Traveled



Part One of a Two Part Lifeclass 

"Joy In The Journey"

Guest: Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati 

Are you starting a new journey of healing and transformation? Are you searching for encouragement & inspiration...? Then Tune In!

August 2021



Part Two of a Two Part Lifeclass 

"Claiming Your Shine & Owning It"

Guest: Cathy Spaas 

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? Do you want to know how to stop "brain noise"? Do you want to Shine On...? Then Tune In!



Part Three of a Three Episode Series

Does God Exist?

What is God?

Happy Soul. Hungry Mind.

With Guests: Ash Ruiz & Ravi Kathuria



Part Two of a Three Episode Series

Does God Exist?

What Is God? 

Happy Soul. Hungry Mind. 

With Guests: Ash Ruiz & Ravi Kathuria 



Does God Exists? Happy Soul. Hungry Mind with Ash Ruiz & Ravi Kathuria

July 2021



Is God Queer? Coming Out To God, with Candice Czubernat & Elena Joy Thurston 



Travis Shumake, America's First Openly Gay NHRA Drag Race Car Driver 



Best of Shows with Malik so Chic & Spongetta 

June 2021

May 2021


From the best of "Max and Friends": America the Beautiful, Memorial Day Special! Max has inspiring dedications from callers for our troops. Music Selections from Phoenix Stone, Thomas Hibner and many others. Then MAX has them back... Nekole Bloom and Jamie Chandler, "Shout Back" tune in and find out what they are shouting back about this time! And remember to take life... 2theMAX!


From the best of "Max & Friends": MAX is giving you a Super Show to start the season. Dr. Maya Love gives us our Vedic Astrological forecast for the month of May. Then "DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE" Author and "Old Friend" PANACHE DESAI joins Max & Friends to help kick of the new season and HELP you LOVE one another! Panache is a "Super Souler" and has been featured on Oprah's OWN network, today he joins MAX! Find out what Oprah told Panache after the show and why we are in the shift. Tune in now and start the journey of super vibrational love! Life... 2TheMAX!


From the best of "Max and Friends": Life Class: Gordana Biernat Inspirational Speaker, Writer, Consciousness Talker. Joins Max, live from Sweden. It's a POWER Talk, learn how to create your reality and become a conscious creator. Find out how the Ego is a Tool your Soul Uses. A show that will align your life up to who you are born to be. TAKE LIFE... 2TheMAX!


From the best of "Max & Friends"; Mother's Day, Feminism, Women Leadership, WWII, The Word Pussy, Encouragement 


REGENA "Mama Gena" THOMASHAUER Teacher and best-selling author. Mother and media personality. Creatrix and CEO of The School of Womanly Arts. Feminist.

Gina "Mama Gina" Tucci (Max's Mom)

April 2021


Tonight it's all about Books...

Authors and the new books they released that are on my Summer Reading List..

Rae Anne Thayne : "The Path To Sunshine Cove"

Alison Hammer :"Little Pieces Of Me"


What's on your Summer Reading List?


From the best of "Max and Friends": Max has a hot new theme song by Saranagati... what a better way to celebrate the spring with a new theme song in a "High Society" kinda way... CW's 'High Society" Malik So Chic is LIVE! in the studio CO-Hosting and straightening out the controversy from 'High Society" first show.. Then HOT HOT HOT LATINA, SEXY Playboy Bunny, Singer/Song Writer YVETTE LOPEZ! A hot spicy show, not to be missed!!!! PLUS Max has some hot gossip on his run in with an A-lister Actress!


Best of Shows with guest Joseph Lumpkin

Is God Real?

March 2021


Guest: Gordana Biernat


From the best of "Max and Friends": Ari Gold... The Golden Hour


Join Max & Deano Sutter
"Coming Out, Being Gay & Loving God"
Part 2


Join Max & Deano Sutter

w/ TedTalk by Ashley Beckham 

Coming Out: 

Part 1

February 2021


Jill Johnson-Young

Navigating Through Grief 


Genesis The Greykid 

An Artist's World


Gordana Biernat 

Exploring Self-Compassion & Self-Love


Mary C. Smith 

Choose Love 

January 2021


From the best of "Max & Friends": Learn "The Art of Having It all" New York Times Best Selling Author Christy Whitman joins Max and gives us three easy steps we can do NOW to get us on the path of Having It All... Then Author Jodi Ambrose joins us.. her books Sex: How To Get More of It, and Intimacy: How To Get More of It.. This show is about abundance, sex, intimacy and taking life 2TheMAX!


From the best of "Max & Friends": Madonna/Whore Complex .. Saint vs. Slut .. Sexless relationships, Stright & Gay! Does your relationship lack sex? Do you know what the Madonna whore complex is? Are you in a relationship that needs to be spiced up? Tune in! Join Todd Creager from "The Todd Creager Center for Successful Relationships" with host Max Tucci & Co-Host YES! She's back.. Tamara Montana Tweet me


Join Max, Gordana Biernat and Valerie Love. Together they discuss 'Living Fully Now' a teaching by philosopher Alan Watts.


From the best of "Max & Friends"

December 2020


Born and raised in the heart of Motown, Grammy Nominated Jawan M. Jackson is a native of Detroit. Jackson made his professional debut starring in Broadway’s Motown The Musical as Melvin Franklin of The Temptations, currently can be seen in the hit Broadway show Ain’t too Proud: the life and times of the temptations.  A graduate of Eastern Michigan University, Jackson began his career as a radio personality for Detroit’s top radio stations. Just in time for the holiday Season Jackson has released a Holiday Classic “White Christmas” featuring Isaiah Templeton.  Film: Sparkle (2012), Love Thy Self (2014), For The Love Of Music (2018). TV: Netflix’s The Get Down (2016), PBS’s Doo Wop Generations (2018). NBC Christmas Tree lighting at Rockefeller (2020)


Guests: The creators of the mocie "Team Marco".


The Peace show with Gina Tucci and Gary Knight.

November 2020


From the best of "Max and Friends":

"How to be Happy?"

Guest: Merilyn Zimmer


From the best of "Max & Friends":


Harry Slatkin 

Max and Harry talk about everything from Fashion to Wall Street to Candles to Autism.



Candles, Fashion, Autism, Interior Design #maxtucci #radio #talkradio #interview Celebritie, Shopping, Family, Diana Vreeland, Princess Diana, Anna, Wintour, Vogue Tommy Hilfiger, Inspiration, QVC, Lenny Kravitz, Bloomingdale's, Kohl's, Fifi Awards


From the best of "Max & Friends"


From the best of "Max & Friends::



Gordana Biernat @mypowertalk

Author of #KnowTheTruth, Oprah SuperSoul100


Hunter Cross 

MAX & Friends Correspondent



Exploring Fear, Risk Management, What is Fear, Living in the NOW

October 2020


Guest: Anita M. Scott


Guests: Ash Ruiz, Thomas Hibner and Terry Bell


Guest: Astrologiest Michelle Santagate

September 2020


From the best of "Max & Friends": The Love Gurus


Guests: Gabe Lopez and Jessica Bunevacz


From the best of "Max & Friends": International Nova & Gary Houston 

August 2020


From the best of "Max & Friends": Kristina Kuzmic


Herman Siu Pt. 2


Herman Siu

July 2020


From the best of "Max and Friends": Ashley Longshore


International Nova & Gary Houston

June 2020



Father's Day Show

A father's story, of tragedy, triumph and miracles! 'Finding Theo' the book!


Author: Tim Krause



Song: Samantha Harvey: Dance With My Father



#fathersday #author #triumph #motivational #fathersstory #book #FindingTheo #loss #courage #discovery #mountainbikes #accident #fatherson •



ART & The Polished Woman 



Kipton & Max discuss the art world and the importance of having an art advisor. Then Ash Ruiz has a message through song. And then The Polished Woman, Jessica R. Bunevacz joins Max to discuss their show and their Communicator Awards win.


Song: ASH RUIZ: Burn



Art,  Music, Life, Mediation, Artist, 


Guest: Lauren Lawrence (Dream Expert & Author of Private Dreams of Public People: Assouline)
Show: Max & Lauren talk about dreams, and why so many people are having weird, crazy, unexplainable dreams during these times. They take callers to help decode their dreams.
Topics: Dreams, Celebrity Dreams, Dream Decoding, Psyche, Why Do We Dream, Are there ways to have happy dreams, Andy Warhol, Martin Luther King, JFK Jr., Princess Diana, Madonna, Assouline

May 2020




Tomi Rose 



Tomi, Rolonda & Max talk about the tragic killing of Tomi's nephew McHale Rose, racism, police brutality, being black in white American and the riots.

Topics: #TheyKilledMe Friendship, Riots, Racism in America, Marsha P. Johnson


Song by: Matt Cab, What's Going On (cover)




Harry Slatkin 

Max and Harry talk about everything from Fashion to Wall Street to Candles to Autism.



Candles, Fashion, Autism, Interior Design #maxtucci #radio #talkradio #interview Celebritie, Shopping, Family, Diana Vreeland, Princess Diana, Anna, Wintour, Vogue Tommy Hilfiger, Inspiration, QVC, Lenny Kravitz, Bloomingdale's, Kohl's, Fifi Awards




Gordana Biernat @mypowertalk

Author of #KnowTheTruth, Oprah SuperSoul100


Hunter Cross 

MAX & Friends Correspondent



Exploring Fear, Risk Management, What is Fear, Living in the NOW




REGENA "Mama Gena" THOMASHAUER Teacher and best-selling author. Mother and media personality. Creatrix and CEO of The School of Womanly Arts. Feminist.


Gina "Mama Gina" Tucci (Max's Mom)


Topics: Mother's Day, Feminism, Women Leadership, WWII, The Word Pussy, Encouragement 



Guest: Greg W. Anderson

Topics: "The New, Now Moment" and

Forgetting everything we know, so we can expand into the new, becoming nothing, yet everything!


With music by: Ash Ruiz


A Note from Max on Season 12:

"I'm so grateful for being on air for 12 years, countless shows, amazing guests, many who have become friends, and of course you... my listeners, my fans, without you there is no me! I'm forever grateful to and for all of you! And to my L.A. Talk Radio family, I love You all!" -Max

April 2020

March 2020


Cyber security


Gordana Biernat


Kymberlie Joye

February 2020


Ashley Longshore

January 2020


The Love Gurus


Christine Mulhearne


Kristina Kuzmic

December 2019


Best Of Shows with Jackie Collins 


Radio host Sheena Metal

November 2019


Mila Jam


Derek Warburton


A New Show with Gordana Biernat 


From the best of "Max and Friends": Gordana Biernat / Fear Show

October 2019


Tracee Dunblazier 


Dermot Mulroney


Lea Black


David Brown

September 2019


Paulette Howel

August 2019


Allison Bogavia


Monroe King

July 2019


Alexander Rosenberg 

June 2019

May 2019

April 2019

March 2019

February 2019

January 2019

December 2018

November 2018


It's the Actor Hour with Actors Kazy Tauginas & David Kallaway


Ari Gold... The Golden Hour


Gordana Biernat / Fear Show


Hunter Cross / Rock The Vote Show

October 2018

September 2018

August 2018


Join Max Tucci and Gordana Biernat for a conscious conversation. Get Gordana's book #KnowTheTruth. Gordana is part of Oprah's SuperSoul100.
Tune in and Shine On. Follow Gordana on Twitter @mypowertalk Follow Msx on Instagram @maxtucciradio.

July 2018


A Full Show... don't miss it, find out What Girl we want to let go... who is Lolita? Max has singer Robbyne Kaamil. Plus Dr. Maya Love gives us our Vedic Astrological Forecast for October. Music, laughs, gossip? Plus a beautiful mediation to achieve clarity. Tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!


From the best of "Max and Friends" : #LifeClass: Join host Max Tucci as he shares one of his biggest influencers, Philosopher Alan Watts.. the teaching "Mystery of Time" get ready to be inspired so you can take YOUR  life... 2TheMAX!

June 2018

May 2018


10th year anniversary show.

April 2018

March 2018


From the best of "Max and Friends"


#KnowTheTruth (Oprah SuperSoul100) Gordana is back on MAX and Friends... join the conscious conversation... and be inspired!


The one and only The Icon herself Margaret 'Shug' Avery joins Max for the entire show. Together they talk about The Color Purple, Life, Love, Happiness, Joy, Film, Relationships, Encouragement, Oprah, Whoopi, Taraji, ... it's one good time! Tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!

February 2018


Join Max with guests Jorge Perez and Ryan Weiss. It's SuperSoul Sunday on SuperBowl Sunday. Together they talk, yoga, God, meditation, life and their new podcast Outliers TV. Tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!

January 2018


Dr. Deena C. Brown - the "Mindset Strategist" is affectionately known as The Millennial Whisperer. Her clients have identified her as The Catalyst because she makes $hift Happen. She is an international best-selling author and has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox as a highly sought keynote speaker and leadership growth expert. Dr. Deena founded the Millennial Leadership Institute to provide leadership development and lifestyle coaching to Millennials. Her signature C3Leadership™ Program helps millennials have more Clarity, Confidence, and Consistency by teaching how to Communicate with Influence, Connect Authentically, and Collaborate Strategically.
Dr. Brown’s expertise helps millennials build a clear path to significance that bridges their philosophy, vision, mission, and goals to their life purpose.
Twitter: @DrDeenaSpeaks
Instagram: @DrDeenaSpeaks


From the best of "Max & Friends": Join Max, Gordana Biernat and Valerie Love. Together they discuss 'Living Fully Now' a teaching by philosopher Alan Watts.


December 2017

November 2017


From the best of "Max and Friends": Ash Beckham joins Max Tucci on MAX & Friends. Ash is know for her amazing Tedx Boulder Talk "Coming Out Of Your Closet" (which has over 4 millions hits.) Ash, like Max is known for helping people own their truth. Tune in to get tips that will help you own your truth. If you are struggling because you need to tell someone something, then this show is for you! Break out of your closet, wether it's that you are gay, have cancer, you want a divorce, no matter what it is, as Ash says, "A closet is no place for you to you live" and as I say... Live life... 2TheMax! And be who you are created to be... YOU! This is a LifeClass show, so tune in and share it! Click the link to access the show!

October 2017


​Max is live in the studio with Desreta Jackson (Celie) from The Color Purple (1985) movie. They talk about the movie, Oprah, Whoopi and the cast. A raw personal interview. Eva La Rue joins them and Eva's daughter Kaya enlightens listeners and brings awareness to underage child marriages in America. The topic is so frightening that even Chelsea Clinton retweets Kaya. Tune in and Take life... 2TheMax!

September 2017

August 2017


MAX wants you to "LEARN HOW TO USE YOUR INTUITION" with Life Coach Valerie Love


July 2017

June 2017


For the first time the 3 Concious Creators discuss The Sources of JOY! Tune in be inspired and take life... 2TheMAX!


What do your dreams mean? Lauren Lawrence joins Max to discuss the dream world. Lauren is the author of "Private Dreams of Public People" published by Assouline and is the Dream Columnist for The New York Daily News. Lauren decodes Madonna's dream on air and teaches us how to record our dreams. It's a Dreamy Show... Tune in.. and remember to take life.. 2TheMAX! ​

May 2017


Gordana Biernat @mypowertalk on Twitter Joins Max to discuss the Power of Thoughts and Words

This is a LifeClass. Tune in, be inspired and take life... 2TheMAX!


Max invites Spiritual Leader Sister Jeanna on #MAXandFriends to have a conscious conversation. Tune in to be inspired. And remember to take life... 2TheMAX!


Life Class: Gordana Biernat Inspirational Speaker, Writer, Consciousness Talker. Joins Max, live from Sweden. It's a POWER Talk, learn how to create your reality and become a conscious creator. Find out how the Ego is a Tool your Soul Uses. A show that will align your life up to who you are born to be. TAKE LIFE... 2TheMAX!

April 2017


Join Max and his guest Therapist and Author of  "This Is Not Over" Holly Brown. Together they discuss Holly's new book and also Adult Bullying. Don't miss this show. Tune in now... With Music by Sharon Gitau. And Remember to take life... 2TheMAX!


Its time to #REACH and Step Out of Your Comfort Zone. Join Max and guest Author/Professor/Motivator Andy Molinsky. Together they discuss Andy's new book REACH and ways for you to be inspired and motivated to REACH, Build Confidence and Rise to the Challenge. It's a LIFECLASS with music by EZINA and Nandhiji. Tune in and Take Life... 2TheMAX!


Join Max Tucci and Pinnertest to find out more about food intolerance and how you can order the at home kit. Do you know the differences between food allergies and food intolerances? Tune in the show could possibly change your life and health.


To order Pinner test visit:


Use my promo code to save ...



And remember to take life... 2TheMAX!

March 2017


Elisabeth Sereda Joins Max Tucci to share HerStory about her life, her books, her radio show, The Golden Globes, charity and how it is to be a member of the Hollywood Foreign Press. HerStory will Inspire you. Take life... 2TheMAX!


Join the concious conversation

Gordana Biernat @mypowertalk

on Twitter joins Max to discuss her new book #KnowTheTruth and the wisdom in it. Music by Ezina


Life Class with Ezina

Tune in, you will be #Inspired.


Life Class with Misa Hylton 

Tune in, you will be #Inspired.

February 2017


It's all about music..


Tune in as Max interviews recording artist Dmitry.

January 2017


Join Max and Lina Bradford. Learn more about Lina's new show 'In The Dollhouse with Lina Bradford' Season 2 airs Jan. 12th 2017


Join Max, Gordana Biernat and Valerie Love. Together they discuss 'Living Fully Now' a teaching by philosopher Alan Watts.

December 2016

November 2016

October 2016

September 2016

August 2016

July 2016

June 2016


Join 3 Conscious Creators
Max Tucci, Nandhiji and Gordana Biernat. Together for the first time on #MAXandFriends they talk about:
Who are you? Why are you here?
Frequency, Synchronicity, Breath
This is the first part of the conversation July 3rd is the second part. It's time to shine on.. tune in, this is a life class. And remember to take life.   2TheMAX!


Valerie Love is back on #MAXandFriends
Life On Fire!
We are never alone... tune in and be inspired... and remember to take life... 2TheMAX!
Let it flow and #ShineOn

May 2016

April 2016


Join Max Tucci and his musical guests Gabe Lopez and The Ries Brothers.
It's all about Music On #MAXandFriends
Join Max on Twitter @maxtucci and be part of the show.. and remember to take life... 2TheMAX!


Max has Brie Bythewood from Bravo's Blood Sweat and Heels join him to discuss the death and celebrate the life of cast member Daisy Lewellyn.. Then Rolonda Watts joins Max to talk about her new novel 'Destiny Lingers'... then let's go to 'Grandma's House' The Movie with  guest Kim Zulkowski Remember to take life... 2TheMAX

March 2016


Join Max and @MyPowerTalk Gordana Biernat as they teach you how to move from unconsciously creating to Conciously Creating. The LifeClass show will get you in the flow!
And remember to...Take life 2TheMAX!
Join Max on...
Twitter: @maxtucci
Instagram: 2TheMaxTucci

February 2016

January 2016

December 2015


Join Nikki Haskell, Ash Ruiz, HunterCross and Max's tribute to Jackie Collins on #MAXandFriends ...
A controversial year in review discussion! Kaitlin Jenner, Donald Trump, Paris Attack, Miss Universe, What made your list of most memorable moments of 2015?


Gordana Biernat joins Max and teaches us how to manifest our desires. With a special teaching from Alan Watts. Learn to consciously create all that you desire.


"Deck the Halls" with Carla Hall as she joins Max to talk about her new restaurant, her books and a few holiday recipes ... Then Kitt Shapiro the daughter of "Purrrrrr" Eartha Kitt joins Max to talk about Simply Eartha, her mother, music, love, Life and colon cancer... Then author of "The $1000 Dollar Dinner" Becky Diamond joins Max, they dish about Delmonico's and this 1851 dinner that had a $1000 dollar price tag. Life 2TheMax!! One Show At A Time!

November 2015

October 2015


Do you know what it means to 'VING'? If you could give someone on need $1000 who would you give it to? Are you between 14-18 years old and want to help someone in need? Then tune in... After we VING it out.. Alan Watts gives us a life class that's not to be missed.. ego, life, nature... life.. 2TheMAX!

September 2015


Super Blood Moon speical... the one and only Kathleen Whalen joins Max to give him the scope as to what the energy of the super blood moon means ... what to do and what to avoid during this time... then Oprah Winfrey Network OWN-TV star Aiden Turner (Brad) from Tyler Perry's "If Loving You Is Wrong" joins Max and gives him the dish on season 2... Life... 2TheMAX! Tune in!


Tribute to Jackie Collins, Nikki Haskell, Hunter Cross, Sean Scott and Monroe King join me in the L.A. Talk Radio studio. A super show, filled with hot topics, music, gossip and Good Times... we totally took life... 2TheMAX! Tune in!


Encore presentation of installment 11/09/2014
Join Max and internationally recognized guru Shakti Durga of Shanti Mission Australia. Understanding The 5 Dimensions of life, and learn how to cultivate abundance! A truly inspiring show that will help you take life... 2TheMax!

August 2015


Encore presentation of installment 07/05/2015
2 Authors One Show... 'Confessions of A War Child' author Chaker Khazaal and 'God And The Gay Christian' author Matthew Vines join Max ... it's a show that will open your mind to life as a refuge as well as being a gay christian... Duality... 2TheMAX!

July 2015


#LifeClass: Join host Max Tucci as he shares one of his biggest influencers, Philosopher Alan Watts.. the teaching "Living Life Free of Attachments" get ready to be inspired so you can take YOUR life... 2TheMAX!


#LifeClass: Join host Max Tucci as he shares one of his biggest influencers, Philosopher Alan Watts.. the teaching "Mind Over Mind" get ready to be inspired so you can take life... 2TheMAX!


#LifeClass: Join host Max Tucci as he shares one of his biggest influencers, Philosopher Alan Watts.. the teaching "Mystery of Time" get ready to be inspired so you can take YOUR  life... 2TheMAX!


2 Authors One Show... 'Confessions of A War Child' author Chaker Khazaal and 'God And The Gay Christian' author Matthew Vines join Max ... it's a show that will open your mind to life as a refuge as well as being a gay christian... Duality... 2TheMAX!

June 2015


She's back.... New York Times Best Selling Author JACKIE COLLINS joins Max for her 3rd visit to MAX & Friends, and talks about her new book 'The Santangelos' ... plus 'The Lucky Santangelo Cookbook' and 'Confessions of A Wild Child.' Jackie tells us what's in her purse.. Then Rolonda Watts and Hunter Cross join Max, if you can't stand the heat... get out the kitchen.. It's a conversation about Race that you are going to want to be a part of... Remember to take life... 2TheMAX!


Ash Beckham is back to discuss Caitlyn Jenner, bravery and courage. Hunter Cross weighs in on the subject. Then Brett Jonesauthor of Pride; The Story of the First Openly Gay Navy SEAL joins us, as we continue to discuss the words brave and courage. It's a MAX and Friends Life Class you must tune in for... remeber to take life... 2TheMAX!

May 2015


Encore presentation of installment 01/18/2015
Do you want to Epower Your Relationship? Find out how on thise episode of MAX and Friends. Shakti Durga from Shanti Mission Australia and author of "Empowering Relationships" joins Max to help you get the tools you need to Empower your relationship! Life... 2TheMax

April 2015


Encore presentation of installment 05/04/2014
Season 12 starts NOW! 6 years later, over 300 guests interviewed, MAX is giving you a Super Show to start the season. Dr. Maya Love gives us our Vedic Astrological forecast for the month of May. Then "DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE" Author and "Old Friend" PANACHE DESAI joins Max & Friends to help kick of the new season and HELP you LOVE one another! Panache is a "Super Souler" and has been featured on Oprah's OWN network, today he joins MAX! Find out what Oprah told Panache after the show and why we are in the shift. Tune in now and start the journey of super vibrational love! Life... 2TheMAX!


Encore presentation of installment 01/04/2015
Ash Ruiz joins Max for his first show of 2015... an absolutely inspiring show. You may know Ash from Menudo, from Here II Here or from there or from Miami or from Boulder or Peru... but know this, The only place for you to be, the only place for you to live, is here, right now. So tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!

March 2015


Life Class:
Gordana Biernat Inspirational Speaker, Writer, Consciousness Talker. Joins Max, live from Sweden. It's a POWER Talk, learn how to create your reality and become a conscious creator. Find out how the Ego is a Tool your Soul Uses. A show that will align your life up to who you are born to be. TAKE LIFE... 2TheMAX!

February 2015


Learn "The Art of Having It all" New York Times Best Selling Author Christy Whitman joins Max and gives us three easy steps we can do NOW to get us on the path of Having It All... Then Author Jodi Ambrose joins us.. her books Sex: How To Get More of It, and Intimacy: How To Get More of It.. This show is about abundance, sex, intimacy and taking life 2TheMAX!

January 2015


Would you ever go from friends to lovers? Marshanna Ritchie from Bravo's new show Friends 2 Lovers joins Max. Plus author E.J. Simon joins Max to discuss his new book "Death Logs In" E.J. also talks about his boutique publishing company and how you could possibly be one of his authors. Taking life... 2TheMAX!


Do you want to Epower Your Relationship? Find out how on thise episode of MAX and Friends. Shakti Durga from Shanti Mission Australia and author of "Empowering Relationships" joins Max to help you get the tools you need to Empower your relationship! Life... 2TheMax


Ash Ruiz joins Max for his first show of 2015... an absolutely inspiring show. You may know Ash from Menudo, from Here II Here or from there or from Miami or from Boulder or Peru... but know this, The only place for you to be, the only place for you to live, is here, right now. So tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!

December 2014


She's back.... JACKIE COLLINS joins Max on the last show of 2014.. Jackie Collins, gives us the perfect cocktail recipes from her new cookbook, plus gives us the disg on Kathy Griffin joining Fashion Police. Jackie also opens up on her New Year resolutions and her new book. Then back because y'all love her, Auhtor of The Champagne Diet Cara Leyba helps us turn our New Year's Resolutions into Reality... INSPIRATION is all around us as we take life... 2TheMAX!


Yummy, yummy, the beautiful and delicious Carla Hall from ABC The Chew is back, giving us some perfect holiday treats. Then the Divine singer, actor, writer, advocate, R&B Diva Monifha joins Max and gives us the SCOPE on life, love and Michelle Obama's vegetables? Tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!


It's all about LOVE. Y'all love her so much, Valerie Love is back. Helping you tap into your intuition and giving you advice on how to take your life... 2TheMAX. An absolute inspiration Valerie Love is, you must tune in!


Dr. Maya Love gives us our Vedic Astrological Forecast for the month of December. Then Julie joins us and tells us her devastating story on how her son Josh died by mixing pills and alcohol.
Then we've got After Romeo all star fan Amy on. Amy joins Max and gives him the update on the band. We play Save Some Snow and Juliet...
Then Ash Beckham known for her Tedx Boulder talks joins Max and discusses her new talk on Duality... we're taking life... 2TheMAX!

November 2014


John O'Hurley joins Max and talks about his new adventure in life... Plus we talk about Seinfeld, Family Feud, and how you too, can live an "Extraordinary Life"..
Then hypnosis Bruce Orion joins Max, and teaches us how to "Shatter The Illusions that Bind You" plus we discuss the subconscious mind, and how powerful it is.. Max plays one of his favorite Alan Watts inspiring talks... Life... 2TheMAX!


Lashandra Beckwith will inspire you on Max and Friends. Find ways to life a happier life. Then Alan Watts has more to say... Tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!


Hangover 1, 2 & 3 and OWN Network Star Sondra Currie is back... find out what Sondra is up to and why Sondra and MAX are going to start a life class! Then Alan Watts recorded seminar will make you look at life differently. Life... 2ThaMAX!


Join Max and internationally recognized guru Shakti Durga of Shanti Mission Australia. Understanding The 5 Dimensions of life, and learn how to cultivate abundance! A truly inspiring show that will help you take life... 2TheMax!


A fun, inspiring, packed show! MAX premieres his new segment #StarTalk, with his first guest Gloria Estefan then Author of "Home Sweet Anywhere" Lynne Martin inspired Max to #PostponeNothing. First Sunday of the month, so you know that that means Dr. Maya Love gives us our Vedic #Astrological for November and from X-Factor Panda Ross sings her heart out!
Life... 2TheMAX!

October 2014


ABC's The Chew Carla Hall joins Max, find out how you can help her passion, plus The Champagne Diet... open yourself up to rise, like Max says during the show We are all bubbles floating to the top, together we rise! Hear about Max's experience with Oprah and Gloria Estefan... always take life... 2TheMAX!


Mediation Sundays and the divine, inspiring Tomi Rose light up the airwaves via Eye On The People with Max Tucci, Max's new TV show and remember always take life... 2 TheMAX!


We LOVE Valerie Love, so The LOVE is back and lifts us higher! Click Play NOW and discover the magic within!! And remember take life... 2TheMAX


A Full Show... don't miss it, find out What Girl we want to let go... who is Lolita? Max has singer Robbyne Kaamil. Plus Dr. Maya Love gives us our Vedic Astrological Forecast for October. Music, laughs, gossip? Plus a beautiful mediation to achieve clarity. Tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!

September 2014


Tonight we Indulge with Kathy Wakile, from Real Housewives of New Jersey. Plus a dedicated to my father on his birthday. And the one and only the beautiful Ash Beckham from TEDx Talk Boulder we talk about acceptance. Tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!


Encore presentation of installment 05/04/2014
Season 12 starts NOW! 6 years later, over 300 guests interviewed, MAX is giving you a Super Show to start the season. Dr. Maya Love gives us our Vedic Astrological forecast for the month of May. Then "DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL SIGNATURE" Author and "Old Friend" PANACHE DESAI joins Max & Friends to help kick of the new season and HELP you LOVE one another! Panache is a "Super Souler" and has been featured on Oprah's OWN network, today he joins MAX! Find out what Oprah told Panache after the show and why we are in the shift. Tune in now and start the journey of super vibrational love! Life... 2TheMAX!


Gabe Lopez joins me to discover America' Next Singing Sensation. Do John and Crosby Crowley have what it take to work with Gabe Lopez? Tune in and take life... 2TheMAX!


The Loss of Joan Rivers sadden us all. We give a beautiful tribute to Joan Rivers. TNT Dallas star Antonio Jaramillo joins us. Plus Lisa Sahakian joins me, We talk about Abundance Life Class! Taking life... 2TheMAX!

August 2014


Encore presentation of installment 04/29/2012
LifeClass with Max! Religious Duality, what is it? Why are we told to "love one another" yet hate one another? Where is Heaven? What is Zen? How can Zen vs. Duality be a concept? Is Jesus God or Man? Why does the Church tell us to do one thing yet we do another? Who is the Church and does it all really matter? Max tackles all these questions and more with in-house Theological Expert Joseph Lumpkin and new guest to the show Art Mason. Tune in to find out how to be still and know and learn how LOVE will lead the way! Have you told yourself "I LOVE You?" This is a show of Great teachings... Get your pencils ready... So you can take Duality... Religion... Life... Love ... & Happiness...2TheMAX!


Encore presentation of installment 07/29/2012
Max talks SEX. Do you want to take your sex life to another level? Discover chakra sex. With guests Tamara Montana and Mystical Mother Tracey Lee, Max and Friends explore the colorful world of chakra sex. The sometimes taboo and uncomfortable subject of sex gets explored and expressed on this episode of Max and Friends.


Encore presentation of installment 04/6/2014
#1 New York Times Best Selling Author BARBARA TAYLOR BRADFORD joins Max. Together, they talk love, live, traveling, New York and Barbara's new book "Cavendon Hall".. plus Dr. MAYA LOVE gives you your Vedic Astrological reading for April, 2014 Taking life... 2TheMAX! If you're not tuning in... then you're missing out!

July 2014


Gabe Lopez joins Max.. and gives the dish on his new ablum and spills the tea on After Romero Drew Scott.. plus Daniel Peter joins us .. we play his new single and answer up with live Twitter questions.


Orange Is The New Black Star Lin Tucci / Anita DeMarco.
After Romeo Drew joins Max and answers Twitter questions from his fans and we play LOL and Free Fall


Actress/Producer Lee Broada joins us and a live call from her mother in Israel..
Plus Valeria Love is back on #MAXandFriends

June 2014


MAX wants you to "GET IN THE FLOW" with Life Coach Randy Spelling
Taking life... 2 TheMAX!


with Life Coach Valerie Love
Taking life... 2 TheMAX!

May 2014


Author Natalie S. Harnett The book,"HOLLOW GROUND" (inspired by the Pennsylvania mine fires, an fascinating story).
Plus Life Coach Lisa Sahakian teaches us how to "Master Life"
Life.. 2TheMAX!